It’s Legion of Superheroes #7 and we pick up shortly after the end of #6, in an assembly of The United Planets. Only now, The Legion of Superheroes burst in unannounced and uninvited! But to what end?

This issue’s main cover by Ryan Sook depicts The Legion with their hands up, confronted by an army of science police, which may hint at the nature of their United Planets meeting. It’s a cool cover, and I especially like the detail of how we can see Superboy’s silhouette through his cape, that’s a really nice touch.

legion of super heroes #7 | Lyles Movie Files
Photo Credit: DC Entertainment

This issue has 2 variant covers, firstly we have another AMAZING cover by Alex Garner depicting The Legion soaring through the sky in stunning detail. I mean, there’s not much more to say, it is just beautiful! We’d be lucky to get a live action movie that looked this good. I especially love the use of the colours, it really adds to it. Each and every character is full of spectacular detail, this really is a phenomenal piece.

Legion of Super-Heroes #7 variant cover by Alex Garner * in 2020 ...
Photo Credit: DC Entertainment

Variant #2 by Ryan Sook serves as a spotlight on a new addition to the Legion, The Gold Lantern! We know very little about this character so far, but I am continually impressed how these creators are able to add yet MORE “colors” to the energy ring spectrum. I will admit though, the costume reminds me heavily of the Gold Power Ranger. Not saying that’s a bad thing at all, it’s just a thing.

The Gold Lantern shines in new Legion of Super-Heroes variant ...
Photo Credit: DC Entertainment

Like Young Justice #17, Legion Of Superheroes #7 serves as a nice breather issue, which is something I’m a big fan of. As well as that, it even squeezes in a classic Legion trope – the election of a new team leader.

I want to stay away from spoilers, but there are some really good moments in Legion Of Superheroes #7 where Superboy really shines, as he eloquently addresses The United Planets assembly. Even so, sometimes I struggle with how Bendis chooses to write the dialogue for the Superman family. It seems like whenever something morally important needs to be said, each character (Superman, Lois, Jon, all of Young Justice) seems to always be able to say the exact right thing, in the exact right way.

Now, I attempt to do this myself in actual conversation and I’m the first to admit that this kind of speech is something we desperately need more of in real life. And if any character was going to talk like that, Superman’s a pretty good choice. But I also know, it’s a lot easier to say the exact right thing in the exact right way when you’re writing it out, and (in my experience) less so in an actual conversation. So I guess my preference would be that I want the characters to come across a little more clunky dialogue instead of effortlessly reciting perfectly formed thoughts when trying to say the right things. At least some of the time. I think it would make them seem more human.

However, when the characters (Superboy in particular) are in more casual conversation, Bendis’ humorous writing style shines and we get some hilarious one liners. Especially when Superboy continues to compare and contrast the 31st century to his own time. Besides Superboy, Saturn Girl is easily my favorite character. She’s funny, clever, can hold her own and I like her new look. And of course, Brainiac 5 is always a highlight.

The art in Legion Of Superheroes #7 and is by penciller Ryan Sook and colorist Jordie Bellaire, who are fantastic as always. This time they acquire some help from Wade Von Grawbadger who easily matches their quality. Especially on page #2 where we get a double page spread! Mash all of that together and you get a great issue! I’m really looking forward to reading more about these characters.

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