We cannot thank you enough for reading and engaging with our content. We work hard to get you the latest Superman news, and to bring you our thoughts and feelings on the latest announcements, comics, films, TV series and products. I know as much as anybody that it can be interesting to see who is behind the sites we follow, so here is a little bit about us!
Tasmin Humphries – Editor In Chief

I am a huge Superman fan and collector, as you may already know. I started this blog in 2017 and I started it because I wanted to share my Superman collection with the world, and well it has just evolved from there. Superman has always been my favourite character and most recently my favourite medium for the character is comic books. Interestingly, Superman: Red Son was the first comic I ever read, which I admit is a strange way to start! My collection started in 2006 and my love for Superman dates back even further than that, it also continues and evolves to this day… I now have a son named Kal, who is of course named after this iconic character.
David Beasley – Writer

Growing up in a small Midwestern town similar to Smallville, David has always had a fondness for Superman. His love of comic book collecting was sparked with the Death Of Superman event when he was 13 and it’s been his primary hobby ever since.. He also likes to boast about having a continual run of Superman related comics from the “Whatever Happened to The Man of Tomorrow” issues to present day. Living with his wife, son, twin daughters, and two cats in a city near his hometown, David is ecstatic to be able to write about his favorite superhero on a regular basis.
Sam Rakestraw – Writer

Sam is an avid Superman fan, though admits to preferring his alter ego Clark Kent a little more as a character. Sam felt inspired and like Clark, started practising journalism at his high school newspaper, which is also around the time he started reading comic books. Sam has been writing since then and is a jack of all trades when it come to his writing style. He now writes for local newspapers, magazines and websites to work towards his goal as a regular content creator.
Ashley Short – Writer

I met Ashley on Twitter and we got on like a house on fire. We had similar tastes in art, comics (although he is a big Daredevil fan), and we just clicked. I managed to get myself some tickets to the press day for DC Exhibition in London, and I asked if he wanted to come along. He agreed, and I can honestly say we have been good friends since. He is one of the kindest and most encouraging people I know, and I am glad to call him a friend. Last year, he started writing comic reviews for my site, I can not be more grateful! His ways with words is spectacular and you can see the passion in his writing with every sentence. We often have the same thoughts on many comics which is rare, but it works perfectly.
Evan David – Writer

Evan is an indie comic writer and Superman fan from the U.S whom I met via FaceBook. When he was young, his dad gave him a Superman action figure and he’s been hooked ever since, devouring comics, shows, movies, and anything else that has to do with the Man of Steel. He lives in Indiana with his wife and two kids, one of whom is named Clark! I am very grateful that he takes the time to write reviews for this site, and you can see his passion for comics and these characters in his writing. You can check out his website here.