REVIEW: Legion Of Superheroes #11
It is finally time for Legion Of Superheroes #11! So let’s take a break from what 2020 we have left and see what’s going on in the 31st century!
In this issue, we continue our many many plot threads as we build to a presumably epic conclusion for this story arc. But before we get into that, let’s take a look at the covers.
Our main cover by Ryan Sook looks great, but it is rather deceptive. It shows Cosmic Boy, distraught in the arms of Shadowlass as the two of them sit in darkness, watching out the window as Superboy and the rest of the Legion fly outside having the time of their lives in the bright sunny sky. It’s a cover with great lighting, which does more than make it look cool, but also highlights some emotional themes currently going on in the Legion (even if those themes aren’t present in this issue.) I say it’s deceptive, because nothing like this happens in the issue, and the caption at the bottom of the page, while technically true, is more of a red herring when accompanied with this cover.

The variant cover is by Nicola Scott with colours by Annette Kwok. This is another great Legion group shot, showing many a Legion member flying together in parallel lines. The detail on this one is just fantastic, and the dynamic poses and colours used make it all the more eye catching.

This issue is jam packed with story as we check in with many of the Legionaries scattered throughout the galaxy. My only complaint is that these issues should be twice as long as they are! We need moooooore of this fantastic content!
The opening facebook LIVE video is given to us by Mon-El this time, who sheds some more light on his new Kryptonian backstory, including revealing exactly where on Superman’s family tree he falls. He also inadvertently reveals that there’s apparently a HUGE age difference between his dad and his mom. He let’s us in on some of his inner thoughts, which we haven’t heard until now, and it sheds some light on his struggles, which makes him seem less like the petulant jerk we’ve been led to mistake him for in previous issues of this run. This might by my favorite intro so far.
We resume the Legion learning about Mon-El’s secret life on New Krypton and are treated to a hilariously out of character moment for General Zod, or at least the General Zod we know from the 21st century. It’s very funny to think he could have changed so much in 1000 years time. We also check back in with Jon Kent and Saturn Girl as they continue their investigation into the ancient Sorcerer Mordru, and encounter a shocking (and saddening for me) turn of events, which I won’t spoil.
A couple of Legionaires go on a mission with Rose/Thorn and learn more about her backstory and the “Age of Heroes” that they so revere. Those are fun moments too, again with another Superman character. We also get some more time with Triplicate Girl and learn more about her powers and culture, and you know I always love more Triplicate Girl, so this was definitely a plus for me. As you can see there was a lot going on in this issue and a lot to take in, so as I hinted to earlier it would have been great to see this broken down even further.
And then finally, back at Legion HQ, Brainiac is bombarded with urgent distress calls from multiple Legionaires all at once, including one from New Krypton, which oddly, seems to be the only one he cares about. He gathers Legionaires to go defend New Krypton, but by the time Jon Kent and Saturn Girl get there they are way too late. Needless to say I can’t wait for the next issue.
Again, sounding like a broken record, Brian Michael Bendis is on top of his game here. He’s thriving in this world of zany teenage future fun, and delivering us some very Superman centric content that I would encourage anyone reading the main Superman titles to pick up.
The interior art by Ryan Sook is fantastic as always, he has such a joyful way of drawing these characters and that really works well with the tone of the series. Not to mention the flatter, ore pastel coloring styles of Jordie Bellaire give this series a delightful and unique feel. This issue really does have wonderful artwork.
Legion of Superheroes #11 is a brisk jaunt across the galaxy as we check in with our many Legion characters in this fun and exciting Super-centric story.
Haven’t picked up Legion Of Superheroes #11 yet? You can pick up the standard cover by Ryan Sook here (UK), or here (US). Or if you prefer the variant cover by Nicola Scott, you can get that here.
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