REVIEW: Future State: Legion Of Superheroes #2
Future State: Legion of Superheroes #2 is a feast for the eyes, which leaves us with a surprising and satisfying ending to this possible future story!
Future State: Legion of Superheroes #2 continues with more post apocalyptic action. I have to say I have been looking forward to seeing where this story went after reading the first issue.
Our main cover by Riley Rossmo gives us a movie poster worthy assemblage of characters, with a fight scene in the foreground, my favorite Legionnaire: Triplicate Girl (Duo Damsel) front and center, and an epic depiction of Saturn Girl superimposed in the background. This cover has grit and grime, and perfectly conveys the more cyberpunk nature of the future in which The Legion finds themselves.
The variant cover by Ian MacDonald is a sweet digital painting of The Legion in their Future State costumes, striking dynamic poses in a vibrantly colored splash of cosmic goodness. I adore this cover, the realism in it is spectacular and really brings these other worldly characters to life.

Future State: Legion Of Superheroes #2 picks up right where the last issue left off, with the assembled remnants of The Legion facing off against one of their own who supposedly betrayed them, none other than Element Lad! Writer Brian Bendis provides some surprising plot twists and turns that flips the story on it’s head, leaving us with a satisfying ending with ties to early issues of The Legion’s current run.
I won’t spoil the issue for you, but I will go into some non-plot related details I enjoyed from this issue. We get an explanation for Saturn Girl’s weird new look, which has a practical function, that made me happy because I was not a fan otherwise. Brainiac 5’s new form continues to be terrifying in every panel, especially combined with his new personality quirk of being super excited about everything. We visit the planet Daxam, which is always nice to see, even if it doesn’t resemble the Daxam we’re used to at all. And Jon Kent makes a reappearance, (not the future state version, but I guess a FUTURE future state version) sporting a horrible horrible mustache that I can only hope we never see again.
A huge part of what makes this book interesting is the visuals delivered by Riley Rossmo with colors by Ivan Plascencia, who again, I have nothing but high praise for. Rossmo’s unique style ensures that every single page is a treat to behold, causing you to linger a little longer to soak up all the quirky details. This book has a stellar art team who each bring something unique and visually stunning to the table.
Future State: Legion of Superheroes #2 is a feast for the eyes, which leaves us with a surprising and satisfying ending to this possible future story! With that said, I am so glad this didn’t end up being the new status quo for the main Legion book, but it was a fun exploration of a possible future, with a satisfying story. This would have been a fantastic entry in an Elseworlds series.
Haven’t picked up Future State: Legion Of Superheroes #2 yet? You can get the standard cover by Riley Rossmo here (UK), or here (US). Or if you prefer the variant cover by Ian MacDonald, you can get that here.
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