REVIEW: Superman #2
Superman #2, “The Night of the Parasite” is out and jumps right back into the action from last issue. New developments and insidious plots are revealed that are sure to make this a Superman epic to remember.
Superman #2, “The Night of the Parasite” is out and jumps right back into the action from last issue. New developments and insidious plots are revealed that are sure to make this a Superman epic to remember.
Although this is the second issue there’s still a lot of great covers. Eight to be exact, but we’re only going to look at three in detail. The standard cover is by Jamal Campbell and debuts a new character introduced this issue. Superman is restrained by Marilyn Moonlight whose name and look are equally cool. Although his face is mostly covered, Campbell does an outstanding job conveying Superman’s facial expressions. From the cover, it appears she’s a new adversary, but her motives within the story are yet to be determined.

The variant by Tony S. Daniel and Brad Anderson is an homage to the famous Superman #233 cover by Neal Adams. Capturing the indomitable spirit and unstoppable will of Superman breaking chains of kryptonite is done in a more dynamic and explosive way. It’s also the perfect visual to showcase Clark’s new power levels and project the revitalization of Superman’s popularity within the comics medium.

Gabriel Rodriguez’s variant gives us a classic depiction of the horrific Parasite. Superman is expertly out maneuvering the truly monstrous looking villain in the streets of Metropolis. There’s a sense of realism in the line work making the image feel like a frozen moment in time. Although this isn’t how Parasite is portrayed interiorly, Rodriguez’s image masterfully conveys the frightening nature of the story inside.

Other great variants are by Jonboy Meyers and Nathan Szerdy with incentive variants by Jaunjo Lopez, Rahzzah, and Jamal Campbell.
Jamal Campbell is an absolute beast on the interior art of Superman #2. The entire issue plays out like a zombie movie and Campbell captures the sense of fear and urgency without grotesque imagery. There’s even an “evil lair” scene that gives off the perfect amount of uneasiness without knowing anything about the characters involved. Even with all the horror movie tropes in play the issue isn’t too scary thanks to the Superman: The Animated Series nature of the colorful artwork.
Writer Joshua Williamson, lettered by Ariana Maher, takes us on a non-stop thrill ride of an issue is Superman #2. Parasite’s powers have evolved in a way that makes him more zombie or vampire like in nature by turning his victims into more Parasites. The victims also retain this power making the villain’s abilities spread throughout Metropolis like a virus.
This new take on Parasite is brilliant and terrifying and it’s nice to see Superman isn’t the only character getting leveled up powers. New characters are introduced but not all of them are directly named leaving a veil of mystery lingering over the story. Even the introduction of Marilyn Moonlight is shrouded in ambiguity as she both threaten and warns Superman and inadvertently assists him. The cliffhanger ending is especially exciting as it becomes even more obvious this will be a Superman story unlike anything we’ve seen before.
Star Rating: ★★★★★/★★★★★