REVIEW: Superman: Lost #10
We’ve reached the conclusion to Superman: Lost with issue #10, “Hope”. The somewhat controversial story of a PTSD inflicted Superman wraps up in an unexpected way as it puts back into question if it’s an Elseworlds tale or not. The finale ends in such a manner you’ll want to reread the entire series as story elements fall into a better sense of understanding. Whatever your takeaway from the story as a whole may be, it’s definitely one that should spark various conversations, which in and of itself makes it worthwhile to read.
Carlo Pagulayan, Jason Paz, and Elmer Santos finish out their standard cover run with an image of a classically clad Superman holding his new white suit in a manner that suggests he’s about to discard it. As a bright star shines in the background, the cosmic scene looks like a genuine photo taken from outer space.

The variant by Lee Weeks and Elizabeth Breitweiser is a compelling piece that could easily represent most Superman fans. A young woman wearing a House of El pendant and wrapped in a long flowing red cloth looks hopefully to the sky. The look upon her face adds a sense of somberness as if it’s an impossible hope she’s feeling. Still, there’s an air of poignancy to the cover that feels appropriate for the series.

Christian Ward’s variant also depicts a somber image. The white suited Superman looks absolutely joyless as he’s surrounded by the swirling colors of the cosmos. Knowing how the story ends could add a bit of context to the look on his face, but that’s getting ahead of ourselves.

So many artists brought this book to life. Carlo Pagulayan & Jose Luis handled the pencils and Jeromy Cox did all the color work. Jason Paz, Joe Prado, Julio Ferreira, and Jonas Trindade trade off inking the issue. It’s absolutely amazing how cohesive the interiors look considering how many people worked on them. The visuals of this series have been incredible and this issue is no exception. The emotional tension throughout the finale is genuinely palpable. For a story as weighted in aspects of trauma, this art team has done a fantastic job conveying the emotional impact every issue.
Christopher Priest, lettered by Willie Schubert, wraps up Superman: Lost #10 in a rather nice little bow. Maybe a bit too perfectly. There’s nothing inherently wrong with how things end up, but for a story that touched on many real personal struggles, the conclusion feels a little too safe or easy. That being said, temporal mechanics plays a major part in the last few pages, begging the question if this series happened to our Earth Prime Clark Kent or if these events take place on another Earth.
We may never know for sure unless Priest, or another writer, picks up the exploits of this particular Superman which could hold some huge ramifications for the DCU as a whole. If anything, this series proves how relatable Superman is, which is a common point of contention fans tend to combat. The conversations that can be had around Clark’s actions in the final pages solidify Superman: Lost as one of the more poignant Superman stories written today.
The first few issues were interesting, but the thing with Lois/Luther was unsatisfying, and the ending was just disappointing. This whole build up and it was gone with a whimper. Dealing with all that trauma and “loss” and then it just poof, let’s use time travel to make sure that this never happened. Except for poor Lois. I’m sure Priest is very talented, but the writing on this was not great all. The art and covers were.