Power Girl #12, “Valhalla is for Lovers” continues directly where last issue ended and is a fairly straightforward, feel-good tale. Although it’s more of a book that shows off the artists talents, it goes far to build upon Paige’s character, establish a new character’s role in the greater DCU, and set up for future stories.  

The standard cover is by Yanick Paquette & Arif Prianto and feels like a homage to Arthurian legend when King Arthur receives Excalibur. Axel, dressed in battle regalia kneels in deference to Power Girl as she presents an ornate axe to him. Donning her more classic outfit, PG looks less out of place in this fantasy genre smash-up and the shear depth of the background details adds a sense of awe and wonderment to the piece.

REVIEW: Power Girl #12

Chuma Hill’s variant is a great water color take on classic Power Girl. The overabundance of cape adds dimension to all the white spaces and frames her pose well. The House of El emblem is also a nice touch.

REVIEW: Power Girl #12

The variant by Stephen Segovia and Elmer Santos has Power Girl putting her foot down. An impressive show of Kryptonian strength as the ground underfoot craters. Although her face may be neutral, her body language has her poised for action creating a very striking image.

REVIEW: Power Girl #12

Jason Geyer and Alex Savuik handle the company wide Super Powers Action Figure variant this issue. They really do a great job capturing the nostalgia of this old toy line. Plus, Power Action Power Punch Power Girl is just plain fun to say!

REVIEW: Power Girl #12

Artist Travis Moore and Colorist Sebastian Cheng take over interior art duties this issue. It’s odd not to see Tamra Bonvillain’s name next to Moore’s, but Cheng does a great job with the fantastical color scheme for this version of Asgard. This book is absolutely visually stunning which isn’t too surprising considering Moore’s talent. The intimate nature of the story is accentuated by the heightened close-up art which allows us to really feel the character’s situations. There’s some genuine adorable moments too that don’t feel hokey or saccharine largely due to the nuanced art.  

Leah Williams, lettered by Becca Carey, leans into the events of Paige and Axel’s otherworldly date in Power Girl #12. Since issue #1 Axel’s been a rather egnimatic character on the fringe of Power Girl’s radar so it’s fitting to focus on his backstory on the anniversary of his debut. Williams plays with how fun super powers should be by having Paige participate in the Battle of Valor and race at super speed around the Asgardian realm. There’s plenty of smiles, laughter, and overall joyous companionship until Power Girl decides to mystically check in on Omen. Something is very wrong with her best friend, but that’s a story for next issue.

(9/10) I was smiling and chuckling the entire time reading this issue. It’s always nice to see characters enjoy their powers in relaxing ways and there’s just some spark of innocence in how Paige perceives the wonders of Asgard. Moore’s art is wonderful as always and it’s good to see him on a Super related title again.

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