New York Comic Con 2019 – Day 2
After such an incredible day 1, I wasn’t sure how it was ever going to be topped… I was wrong. I have another awesome day, this really has been the best con I have ever been to.
I got there a lot earlier today, as I was late the previous day. First up was to queue for the Watchmen screening and Q&A. Compared to SDCC, the queueing was NOTHING! I queued for 40 minutes and got a place in the panel. As soon as that was done, I went to tap in for the DC Nation panel. When I say tap in.. this is what I mean. So instead of staying in the queue all day to get a place, you simply queue in the morning, tap your badge, enjoy the rest of the convention, and come back nearer the time to start queuing to get a good seat. This is for the main stage events ONLY, but it’s a great idea, and is something that other cons of this size should consider.
I then headed over to Artists Alley with a new set of comics to be signed! First up was Art Baltazar, he was absolutely LOVELY. I took this opportunity to pick up my copy of ‘Superman Of Smallville’,which he kindly signed and drew a little Krypto doodle! He then passed the book onto Franco to sign too. He was very talkative, and said he wanted to come over to the UK for some conventions soon.

Then it was time for Ed McGuinness. I had brought my copy of Superman/Batman #1 to be signed. He was charging $10.00 for a signature, but that was fine by me. He was drawing a commission at the time we arrived and I always feel awkward and rude interrupting them to say hi! But he stopped and started talking which was nice.

We went on to Joe Prado, I had met him the day before but I forgot to bring my comics by him to get signed! So I came prepared today and got him to sign Man Of Steel #1.

Final person of the day was Tyler Kirkham. I got both of his covers for Action Comics #1000 signed. Again he was charging $10.00 per signature, but again it was worth it.

DC Nation was the first panel, we got fairly good seats, and I have to say it was a TOTAL blast! So much fun. Dan Didio moderated the panel, whilst Jim Lee, Lee Bermejo, N.K. Jemisin, Tom King and Tony Daniels talked about their experiences with characters, and the new books they had coming up. They also announced a HUGE DC Comics timeline which lists the chronological order of all events to date. This timeline pinned Wonder Woman as the first ever Superhero. They also had Tom King go head to head with Jim Lee on sketching prizes for those that asked questions, which was a great touch and actually hilarious.

As we walked out of the panel they gave out the brand new and unreleased acetate covers for Batman/Superman #1, which was an incredible surprise!

As I fumbled around trying to put everything back in my bag, Tom King walked out. There was no one around him, and I don’t think many people noticed, so I ran over quickly to get a picture. I didn’t have a sharpie on me otherwise I would have taken some comics to get signed! He was so much fun in the panel, and a really nice and patient guy when it came to the photo.

I walked away on a huge high, then I turn around and who is walking out alone and with no one noticing him? JIM LEE. I took my opportunity to run over and ask for a photo (again I didn’t have a sharpie to get the comics signed), and he just said… “walk with me”. So I started walking with him, and then people started to realise, and he just said “are you ready?” Stopped and we took a picture! JIM. LEE. I’m still in shock!

The previous day I entered a lottery at the Entertainment Earth booth to be in with a chance of a Jim Lee Signing. I thought, why the heck not! The winner was to be announced today but I hadn’t heard anything so went to ask what the deal was. The woman there said that emails would start going out in 1 minute! So I headed to the show floor to kill some time. Check out the figures that I saw on the Eaglemoss Stand! Incredible!

As I looked at those, I got an email… I HAD WON THE JIM LEE LOTTERY! So I rushed back over to check in with the Entertainment Earth booth to claim my prize! I asked what we could get signed, and she said one personal item and he will be providing a signed poster. As I knew I’d entered the competition, I brought my Jim Lee variant of Action #1000 and I am so glad that I did!

He was really nice, didn’t remember me from earlier, but was really talkative and asked where I was from and things like that.

It was really quick in there with him as he had a lot of people to get through, so I kept it short and sweet. Here is the poster that he gave us.

After that, I’d had enough excitement for one day and decided to call it a day. I wanted to stop off at the DCUHQ, which was an offsite Harley Quinn gallery for DC Universe Members Only… I started free trial as soon as I got to New York! It was fun there! They had lots of original artwork.

Some concept art for the upcoming animated TV show.

And props from Birds Of Prey.

The Cosplay again was incredible! I have to say this con has knocked every other out of the park in every way – especially Cosplayers! Check out the costumes I saw today:

Negative Man

Lex Luthor

Once again, I have had the best time so far, I am on a complete high! I will certainly be attending this con again! Roll on day 3!
So excited that you met Jim Lee. Hes my second favourite comic book artist, Jim Lee was at the Toronto FanExpo August 2019. I was there too in Artist Alley but I was stuck waiting in line all day to see my number one favourite comic book artist, Todd McFarlane who just broke a world record, I believe he went to NYCC too!