NYCC 2019 – Day 3
Day 3 of NYCC has been just as action packed as the rest of the days, but just a little less star studded I guess!
I arrived a little later, as my interview wasn’t until 2pm. So I headed over to catch the last half of The Walking Dead panel at the Hulu Theatre in Madison Square Gardens. It was much quieter than I thought, and I didn’t even expect to get in! I guess the show isn’t as popular as it once was…

This day was the first day I got to explore the show floor properly – third day in! It was SO busy, of course Saturdays always are the busiest!
There was a lovely lady making Harry Potter art with Jelly Belly Jelly Beans, they were epic!

I found the Cryptozoic stand where they had this ‘DC Lil Bombshell Bizarro’ figure, which is a NYCC exclusive. It’s also limited to 300 pieces – I may have to go back for that one.

I managed to find the Marvel stand too, they had some of the Endgame costumes on show. They had Bruce Banner.

And Thor.

I’m not sure if you can see the red cloth there, but it looks like the may be unveiling a new costume or something there – I’ll head back there tomorrow to see what the fuss is about!
They also had this epic statue of Captain America. It is so beautiful!

I also found a stand with these epic figures on display – these were the only ones available at the show, but they said they DID have a Superman one that was out previously.

It was then time for my second interview for Day 3 at NYCC. This was set up with Insight Editions, so I headed over to their booth to get ready. I had such a great experience with them, they are so supportive. I was interviewing writer Andrew Farago & cover artist John Guydo. They worked on the hefty Batman: The Definitive History book that is due out at the end of the month. As we were recording a few of the guys from Insight were pushing people out of the way as we filmed it on the show floor and it was very busy! One or two got through though, but it’s ok. I had a blast interviewing the pair. Stay tuned for the full video!

Once that was done at dusted, it was time to hit Artists Alley… AGAIN! First on the list of comics to get signed was David Mack. His artwork is absolutely incredible and I really hope to own an original piece of his one day. He was extremely friendly and talkative. He signed my copy of Action Comics #1003 and explained the differences between the print and the original piece. The colour scheme is different!

It was then time for Olivier Coipel, who did a few covers for Action Comics #1000. He was very friendly too and really energetic. It was $10.00 per signature, but it’s worth it to have my Action #1000’s signed!

I then headed over to see Andy Kubert. Every time I had gone past before he was either busy, or wasn’t there. So this was my chance. Again it was $10.00 per item, so I got all three issues of Up In The Sky signed by him. He joked about his wife saying the cover of issue 2 was gross.

I had tried to see Michael Cho earlier on during Day 3 at NYCC, but he said to come back at 5pm as he was signing from then. I, of course obliged and header over around 5.30pm. He was very nice, signed my comic and then asked if I had a backing board for the comic. Me being the comic collector that I am – of course I did. And he asked to see it, when I handed it over he asked who my favourite Superhero was. Of course I said Superman. So he started to draw a sketch for me!

It is incredible, and l luckily got the video of him doing it!
I also saw Artgerm, he was charging $5.00 per item, and was much nicer than what I remember from San Diego – possibly because I interrupted his drawing before. I had already had one of his Action #1000’s signed, so I just needed the other two doing.

Francis Manapul was next. I had so many covers I wanted him to sign, but I had to condense the issues I took down because of the weight on my suitcase! This was the one I picked, and again he was so friendly! We interrupted his lunch, but he didn’t mind in the slightest.

We headed over to see Joshua Williamson next. Hands down he is one of the NICEST people I have ever met. I loved his issue of Batman/Superman #1 and had the opportunity to tell him that. He was really talkative and put me at ease straight away, I had all of my copies of the issue for him to sign, and he did so free of charge and with a smile on his face.

I walked away and then realised I’d forgot to get the acetone variant that was given out at the con signed. Luckily he was talking to Andy Kubert before he left, and I shouted him over to ask if he would mind doing one more. He said of course note and even drew a little Batman/Superman symbol in it.

Last but not least was Jock! Again I already had one of his Action Comics covers signed, but I needed the other one doing too. As I went over to him he was about to leave, so he had come out into the queue and was quickly signing everything. I tagged along at the end and got his squiggle and a hand shake.

The last thing we had to do was go to the screening of episode 1 of series 10 of Walking Dead, so we headed over for that and called it a day.

Cosplayers absolutely smashed it at Day 3 of NYCC! I know I’ve said that each and every day, but there were so many incredible costumes today. Here are some of the best!
Steampunk Super Mario



Mario Cart

Harley Quinn

Genderbent Joker

Now it’s time for the final day.. I’m not ready to leave New York Comic Con!
looks like you had a lot of fun! You missed Todd McFarlane’s historic world record breaking comic book Spawn. He got the award at NYCC this year. Todd did a Superman book long ago.