REVIEW: Supergirl: Woman Of Tomorrow #2
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #2 is exactly what I wanted it to be in regards to worldbuilding and character development. Tom King’s writing is extremely thorough, adding layer upon layer to every aspect of the story. This is quickly becoming a must read book.
Supergirl: Woman Of Tomorrow #2 hits shelves today and if you are in need of quirky space adventure, then you have come to the right place. This issue sees Kara and Ruthye continue their search amongst the stars for Krem, the man who killed Ruthye’s father.
The quirky, whimsical nature of this story is very much represented on the cover as Kara and Ruthye wait for transport at an interstellar ‘Bus stop’ of sorts. I love how the pair have been joined by a number of intergalactic citizens simply waiting to get home. Bilquis Evely and Mattheus Lopes need to be applauded for this wonderful cover, the subtle manner in which the dragon is represented is superb especially considering what a pivotal role it will play later in the issue.
The variant cover created by Lee Weeks and Mattheus Lopes totally reminds me of Star Wars, specifically the cantina in Mos Eisley. Seeing a scoundrel of sorts picking a fight with a protagonist is an old school trope but effective none the less. Seeing Ruthye hold out her arm in Kara’s defence really is heart-warming. This gesture firmly establishes the bond these two courageous women are beginning to share and this cover perfectly represents what the reader can expect later in the issue.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #2 is a slow burn that picks up right where it needs, it starts off by setting the table nicely for what kind of galaxy our characters will be inhabiting. I love how we witness the real ‘street level’ side of space in this issue. If you don’t have a ship of your own there are always ‘coach’ services waiting to ferry intergalactic citizens from A to B. This can often lead to the odd skirmish or two, so it’s a good thing the House Of El’s reputation has spread far and wide.
Writer Tom King uses the beginning of this issue to really explore Ruthyes’ burgeoning relationship with Kara as well as the unfamiliar surroundings she finds herself inhabiting. King doesn’t leave any stone unturned as Ruthye goes into great detail with regards to her feelings. I love how her experiences albeit extremely modest ones during her time at home really inform her behaviour in such an unpredictable environment.
As we reach our first layover aboard ‘Andmurph’s’ asteroid, the events from the variant cover playout pretty much verbatim. I love how calm and confident Kara is in her own abilities during this sequence of events, even though her powers are diminished she is still able to overcome her foe without breaking a sweat. From here the action picks up in spectacular style as a Karpane Dragon threatens to devour Andmurph’s asteroid. It’s at this time that artist Bilquis Evely and colourist Mattheus Lopes really steal the show.
This is by far my favourite part of the issue as Kara manifests Phoenix like powers via red Kryptonite to take on her foe. Lopes creates the most vivid colours imaginable as the Karpane Dragon and Kara intertwine and flow during their duel. Luminescent blues and purples dance alongside vibrant yellows and reds that light up the darkest recesses of space. Kara looks spectacular during this exchange, at one point her energy merges with the Dragon to create this gorgeous purple that is almost otherworldly.
Evely has truly created the perfect canvas for Lopes to work on, and these two really do compliment each other perfectly, this sequence is one of the finest I’ve seen for sometime. They have created an environment and infrastructure that truly feels lived in. The amount of unique species we encounter makes the galaxy feel endless and full of possibilities.
The issue slows down once again as Ruthye and Kara start to bond. Kara’s mind set and motivations are flushed out as Ruthye looks for answers from a seemingly kindred spirit in Kara. I believe Ruthye sees alot of herself in Kara due to the losses the pair have experienced. It will be very interesting to see how Ruthye conducts herself when she comes face to face with Krem considering how she looks up to Kara.
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #2 is exactly what I wanted it to be in regards to worldbuilding and character development. Tom King’s writing is extremely thorough, adding layer upon layer to every aspect of the story. This is quickly becoming a must read book.
Haven’t picked up Supergirl: Woman Of Tomorrow #2 yet? You can get the standard cover by Bilquis Evely here (UK), or here (US). Or if you prefer the variant cover by Lee Weeks, you can get that here.
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