REVIEW: Supergirl: Woman Of Tomorrow #5
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #5 is my favourite issue of the series so far. Bilquis Evely has created interiors that could easily feature on any IMAX screen and Tom King is definitely cultivating a tapestry that has many more twists and turns to come and I cannot wait to see where this series goes.
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #5 is here and heralds the continuation of one of the best Supergirl runs of all time. You just never know what you are going to get from one issue to the next and this is very much represented on the main cover.
Bilquis Evely and Matheus Lopes have created a wonderful cover as Ruthye and Kara look to be consumed by an alien looking Tyrannosaurus Rex. The positioning on this cover is spectacular, I love the scope and perspective of the beast as Ruthye and Kara look so small in comparison. The colours featured on this cover are gorgeous. I love the dynamics between the green background and the warm reds and pink that make up our main antagonist for the cover.
The variant cover created by Amy Reeder is unlike any cover I have seen before. It really reminds me of an intergalactic fairytale. This is a very stylised cover with beautiful bold colours. I love the bold outline that frames the intricate detail and bright colouring. If you look closely you can see that this is a tapestry of all that has come before in the series.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #5 opens up in epic fashion as Supergirl and Ruthye finally catch up with the murderous Krem. We find ourselves on a planet similiar to that of Mustafar from Star Wars as lakes of fire engulf the page as Krem’s latest victims litter the environment. Their cold, dead eyes in stark contrast to the seering heat radiating off the page.
These are truly harrowing scenes as the lifeless bodies of Krem’s victims burn up in the boiling waters surrounding him. The contrast between Krem’s cool calm demeanour and the pure horror on display shows just how far removed he is from civilised society. When the time comes for Ruthye to face Krem, the outcome is anyone’s guess. What I do know for sure is that writer Tom King has made it very hard to justify Krem’s continued existance. This of course goes against everything Kara believes in.
Krem manages to escape once again using a Mordru Globe. Tom King’s in depth history and intricate detail regarding this magical object is staggering to say the least. I love how this object of immence power acts like a black hole, pulling at its intended targets. The world building only gets better as we are introduced to a facinating new planet that Ruthye and Kara find themselves stranded on thanks to the Mordru Globe. Welcome to Barenton.
Kara explains that this is an artifical world populated by monsters and cleansed by a Kryptonite sun, all built with the express purpose of killing Superman. Tom King’s in depth description of this planet alongside its origins is just so rich and textured. My research hasn’t turned up any previous mention of this planet which can only be testiment to Tom King’s thorough world building.
It’s not long before Kara is feeling the full effects of the artifical Kryptonite sun. Seeing Ruthye come to the fore and protect her companion really highlights the bond these two share. Their journey has been perilous, fraught with unspeakable horror and at this point Ruthye would happily lay down her life for Kara.
The world created by Tom King and Bilquis Evely is nothing short of stunning. It is highly reminiscent of Earth’s prehistoric period tinged with alien elements found throughout. From the animal designs to the habitat itself, the scope and scale of these beasts as they interact with our beloved heroes is epic to say the least. They feel gargantuan in size, the way they move and attack looks and feels authentic according to what we know from film, television and documentaries.
These creatures are essentially Dinosaurs with added detail to make them look otherworldly and the detail captured is phenomenal, scales, teeth and anatomy all look meticulous in their design. The environment itself looks incredibly dangerous as the landscape looks ridgid and sharp. Like with the creatures, the habitat is vast and sprawling and is epic in scale and scope.
This issue really is a battle of attrition as Kara looks to regain her strength within the setting of the artifical Kryptonite sun. Seeing Kara and Ruthye switching roles was very interesting indeed. Ruthye has convinced me she would die for Kara, and her bravery in the face of overwhelming odds was awe-inspiring to say the least. Kara’s pain was just so visceral as she fought against continued exposure to Kryptonite.
Matheus Lopes’s colours really separates this series from the rest, every page looks glorious as the alien landscape shifts as day eventually becomes night. The green hues that make up the sky acts like a character all of its own continually threatening Supergirl with unimaginable and worse.
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #5 is my favourite issue of the series so far. Bilquis Evely has created interiors that could easily feature on any IMAX screen and Tom King is definitely cultivating a tapestry that has many more twists and turns to come and I cannot wait to see where this series goes.
Haven’t picked up Supergirl: Woman Of Tomorrow #5 yet? You can get the standard cover by Bilquis Evely here (UK), or here (US).
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