REVIEW: Superman ’78 #6


Superman ’78 #6 serves as a conclusion to a majority of this particular story, though it is left open for more and I truly hope that we get just that. This series has been fantastic, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it and I know many Superman fans like me have too. Please DC, do not let these character iterations and this creative team go unused.

Superman ’78 #6 is the concluding issue of a series I have thoroughly enjoyed! It has been an absolute honour to read this series which brings many beloved character iterations back in such a fantastic light.

But before we get into the issue itself, let’s take a look at the covers. The standard cover is by Mikel Janín and it is incredible. Firstly I love the Roy Lichtenstein inspired background, it’s rare to see that form of comic art these days. Secondly the detail is fantastic, Superman looks to hold his own against the huge mechanical suit worn by Brainiac. I love the light glaring off the metal, it’s safe to say this is an eye-catching cover.

Superman '78 #6 Review | The Aspiring Kryptonian
Photo Credit: DC Entertainment

The variant cover is by Rafa Sandoval and Alejandro Sanchez and it is quite literally out of this world! The detail is flawless and it feels like a perfect homage to the Christopher Reeve films, much like the series itself. This is simply a frame-worthy piece of art.

Preview: Brainiac Versus Superman in 'Superman '78' #6 Final Issue – COMICON

Superman ’78 #6 picks up right where we left off as Superman takes on Brainiac in a bid to save a shrunken Metropolis and Kandor.

Once again, writer Robert Venditti has provided us with numerous fantastic Superman moments. It’s clear this man understands the character and also his supporting cast and that’s clear with their dialogue and actions throughout the issue.

Whilst Superman fights for humanity, Brainiac fights for control and actually gives a compelling and rather emotion reaction which I wasn’t expecting, but appreciated. This issue showed the differences but also the similarities between these two foes and it really makes you appreciate Superman and the way he sees life a whole lot more. I’ve always loved this about Superman, but it particularly struck a chord with me in this issue and the series as a whole.

I adore the action sequences in this particular issue, it really feels like something we could have seen if this series were truly a film of its era and that’s thanks to the incredible artwork by Wilfredo Torres and Jordie Bellaire. I can literally imagine it being played out in live action.

Superman has many triumphs in this issue, he seeks out what he intends to do but with awesome fashion. There are many moments where Venditti lets the artwork do the talking in this issue and it really pays off. Like I said I can imagine several sequences in a genuine Superman live action film, that’s how cinematic this book and the artwork is.

The likenesses of the characters and their relevant actors/actresses is spot on in this issue too. Once again we get some incredible and rather unpredictable cameos in this issue, though there are surely some that I’ve missed, I did spot a familiar cat and the cast of The Goonies!

Superman ’78 #6 serves as a conclusion to a majority of this particular story, though it is left open for more and I truly hope that we get just that. This series has been fantastic, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it and I know many Superman fans like me have too. Please DC, do not let these character iterations and this creative team go unused.

Haven’t picked up Superman ’78 #6 yet? You can get the standard cover by Mikel Janín here (UK) or here (US). Or if you prefer the variant cover by Rafa Sandoval and Alejandro Sanchez, you can get that here.

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