REVIEW: Dark Knights Of Steel #7
Dark Knights Of Steel #7 has a nice blend of action and dialogue as to be expected from Tom Taylor’s masterful writing. We learn a lot within the dialogue without it feeling like exposition, making the issue a fast and entertaining read.
Dark Knights of Steel #7, “United” has hit the stands much to my delight. This continues to be one of my favorite books coming out and will no doubt be a favourite Elseworlds style story overall. The reimaging of the DC Universe in this sword and sorcery tale is refreshing and exciting.
The cover art remains absolutely stellar. Dan Mora gives us a fantastic image of Batman riding a fire breathing dragon! The cover really depicts the entire series well: exciting, unpredictable, and a whole lot of fun.

The variant cover by Ejikure is an absolutely gorgeous rendition of Black Lightning’s daughters, Thunder and Lightning. The shading really lets Princess Jennifer’s electricity come alive on an otherwise dark and moody piece. War definitely looms and the heirs to The Kingdom of Storms are facing it head on.

Rafael Albuquerque also lends their talent for another variant. Batman and Wonder Woman back-to-back in what feels like an action still from a raging battle. Their determination and fierceness plainly displayed as they ready themselves for more fighting.

Nathan Gooden takes on the interior art for this issue and does a fantastic job. Not only do the action sequences flow with motion, but the dialogue scenes have a dynamic feel as well. Teamed with Arif Prianto’s unique watercolor style, the issue’s art is such an enjoyable experience for your eyes.
The issue starts out reminding us why the kingdoms are at odds. Through what could be a foreshadowing or nightmare sequence, the Doomsday Prophecy is retold with devastating results. After an aside with Constantine and Ra’s al Ghul, we then pick back up with Batman. Newly recovered from his encounter in issue #5, Tom Taylor gives us a new perspective on The El’s rule, and Bruce’s role in it, through the actions of the Kents.
More intrigue is added with the introduction of the Teen Titans and Ra’s al Ghul’s desire to obtain them to prepare for a threat greater than the war with The El’s. Although his world view and life truths continue to be shattered, Batman shows true valour as a knight to help protect the Titans from the League of Shades. Although the characters still feel like the familiar versions we know from the main DC Universe, this is definitely a world and story all its own.
Dark Knights Of Steel #7 has a nice blend of action and dialogue as to be expected from Tom Taylor’s masterful writing. We learn a lot within the dialogue without it feeling like exposition, making the issue a fast and entertaining read. There’s only five more issues left and I’m excited to see where the series will continue to take us!
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