REVIEW: Superman: Son Of Kal-El #14
Superman: Son Of Kal-El #14 continues to impress. Tom Taylor really knows how to put everything on the line and build a story full of suspense and unpredictability. I highly anticipate next issue’s climax to Jon Kent’s initial adventure as Superman.
Superman: Son of Kal-El #14, “Siege of Gamorra” part 1 is out and debuts Jay Nakamura’s new super hero look. This penultimate chapter of The Uprising arc sets the stage for a promising epic climax that should hopefully cement Jon’s role as a Superman of Earth. Plus, a certain best friend shows up!
Focusing on Gossamer’s debut, Travis Moore and Tamra Bonvillain serve up a simple yet fun cover. Appearing to be ripping through the paper, Superman is opening the way for Jay to be seen but Gossamer is already phasing through the canvas ahead of him. These two have always had different methods to solving the same problem and this cover showcases that nicely.

Rafael Sarmento does a Kent Farm throwback with his variant. The painting depicts a pleasant Midwestern autumn evening. The piece invokes a sense of calm and hopefulness through the use of a warm colour palet. Lois and Clark relax on the porch watching a young Jon proudly teach a kite how to fly.

The artistic trio of Travis Mercer, Danny Miki, and Brad Anderson highlight the ferocity Superman can posses as Jon is blasting through a mechanical obstacle. Superman’s blazing eyes and gritting teeth indicating his lost patience with whatever he’s up against. It’s truly a dynamic cover of Superman in battle mode.

After having a break in issue #13, Cian Tormey and Federico Blee return with their stellar interior art style this issue. The way Tormey handles multiple scenes playing out simultaneously flows elegantly between themselves. Their action sequences require little to no narration and Blee’s colors bring all the different locales to life. These two really know how to make comic art pop and feel alive.
Tom Taylor knocks out another great issue. Jon takes a bit of a back seat as the issue spotlights Jay’s introduction as a new DC Superhero. The Truth has put enough pressure on Bendix’s plans he now appears to be acting out of desperation instead of calculation. Thinking both Bendix and Lex would anticipate more direct interface from Superman, he calls in help from Gamorra’s Resistance.
With a certain self invited Super Friend along for the mission, we finally get to see Jon’s actions have positive results. A sense of foreboding befalls us as things seem to be going too well, actualised by the horrible revelation on the last page.
Superman: Son Of Kal-El #14 continues to impress. Tom Taylor really knows how to put everything on the line and build a story full of suspense and unpredictability. I highly anticipate next issue’s climax to Jon Kent’s initial adventure as Superman.