DC Comics Confirm Details For Summer Event ‘ Knight Terrors’


DC Comics have confirmed further details following their recently announced 2023 Summer event called Knight Terrors.

DC Comics have confirmed further details following their recently announced 2023 Summer event called Knight Terrors.

Written by Joshua Williamson with art by Giuseppe Camuncoli, Stefano Neal, and Caspar Wingaard, the four issue main story will take over the entire DC lineup for July and August. Introducing a new villain named Insomnia. the entire world will be thrust into a nightmare realm causing Deadman, Batman, and Sandman (Wesley Dodds) to team up against this new threat. Spilling out of Knight Terrors: First Blood #1 by Joshua Williamson and Howard Porter, which sets the event into motion July 4th, the rest of DC’s lineup pits both heroes and villains against their worst nightmares in two part issues.

Knight Terrors: Superman #1 will be written by Joshua Williamson with art by Tom Reilly and scheduled for release on July 18th. From DC’s website: “Clark Kent knows why he’s been pulled into the Nightmare Realm and goes in search of his family and friends, but that journey takes him to the haunted Nightly Planet, where he is confronted by the Super-Reaper! In the waking world, Superman was midflight when he was hit by the nightmare wave, and where he crash-lands will surprise you!” The standard cover is by Gleb Melnikov with variants by Francesco Mattina, Christian Ward, Filly Bratukhin, Dan Mora and Dustin Nguyen.

Following the rest of the House of El, Knight Terrors: Action Comics #1 will be written by Leah Williams and Phillip Kennedy Johnson with art by Vasco Georgiev and Mico Suayan released on July 25th. Also from DC’s website: “Power Girl faces off against herself and the Super-Twins are being hunted by Cyborg Superman…Paige may have narrowly escaped the grasp of the devious Johnny Sorrow, but all of that was just a warm-up for the real villain inside. Meanwhile, the Super-Twins are lost in a terrifying dreamscape and being hunted by a nightmare version of their own adopted father, the murderous Cyborg Superman. Can Superboy, Kong Kenan, and the Steel family find the twins in time to save them, or will they join his bloody list of victims?”. Knight Terrors: Action Comics #1 features a standard cover by Rafa Sandoval, with variants by Mico Suayan, Gerald Parel, Otto Schmidt, Meghan Hetrick and Dustin Nguyen.

Be on the look out on Free Comic Book Day on May 6th for the preview/sneak peek into this horror fuelled event with the release of Dawn of DC Knight Terrors: Free Comic Book Day Special Edition.

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