REVIEW: Adventures Of Superman: Jon Kent #5
Adventures Of Superman: Jon Kent #5 continues Jon’s exploration into the world of Injustice. I have to say as a fan of the original series, it is so interesting to see him interact with this version of these characters.
Adventures Of Superman: Jon Kent #5 continues Jon’s exploration into the world of Injustice. I have to say as a fan of the original series, it is so interesting to see him interact with this version of these characters. Not only that, but we also get more explanation and insight into how and why it all happened.
But before we get into the issue itself, let’s take a look at the covers. The main cover is by Clayton Henry and Marcelo Maiolo and it perfectly matches the tone and contents of the issue. The facial expressions are perfect as we see Injustice Superman looking a little too impressed with himself as Jon struggles for his freedom. The detail on the materials is second to none which makes the cover and their art style so much more realistic.

The first variant, by Jim Cheung, is gorgeous and showcases quite a feat for Jon Kent! What I love is the use of Kryptonite chains, they are used in Superman comics imagery so much in a negative way, whereas this cover has Jon looking strong and unaffected. The intricate details and atmosphere really adds effect to this cover, it’s so striking.

Hayden Sherman’s variant is powerful to say the least as we see Jon’s hand reach towards the sky in a bid for help. The use of the bright yellow and white beans coming from the sky shows he’s reaching towards the sun for solar power, with the red cape draped over his arm showing a sense of danger. This really is an eye catching cover, with so many bold and bright colours featured.

Zu Orzu’s variant is another great one as we see a Superman using his heat vision. What I love about this cover is the texture, it seems the cover is coloured and shaded using either chalk or crayon and I have to say I love when you can see the texture used. It really adds affect and shows the creativity that this artist has.

In the previous issue, Robin managed to get a tracker on Jon and has since been tracking him. This device lead Robin straight to Jay Nakamura who is now being held captive after Jon paid him a visit for insight on the politics of what’s happened here and why the people here leave in constant fear. It’s clear here as to why Robin is going to such lengths to rat out on Jon, after trying to impress Injustice Superman since all of this began, seeing Jon rock up and instantly take the limelight, he’s feeling a little left out.
As always, the artwork by Clayton Henry, coloured by Jordie Bellaire is fantastic! Each of the characters and their distinct Injustice looks are brought back to life expertly by Henry. Not only that but whilst the characters are instantly recognisable, he also puts his own twist of art style on it, which is truly unique. Henry’s art is a great mix of classic comic art and that of the games, the shading acts as a realistic element to it and it works perfectly in this extension of the series.
Whilst we know the similarities between Clark and Jon, this series has really highlighted the similarities between Jon and Lois, which is lovely. Whilst the resistance cook up a plan, Jon heads back to Superman so not to cause too much suspicion and that is exactly where everything escalates significantly, of course behind Jon’s back. This moment also acts as confirmation to his suspicions as we get a taste of the brutality that Injustice Superman is all about.
These events in Adventures Of Superman: Jon Kent #5 now give Jon a deadline, he has a lot of decisions and plans to make and not much time to do so. Honestly, I never thought we’d revisit Injustice again, but Tom Taylor has expertly combined these two worlds together and I look forward to picking up the next issue.