REVIEW: Justice League vs Godzilla vs Kong #2


Justice League vs Godzilla vs Kong #2 is the crossover issue we have all been waiting for. Seeing characters like Superman take on the likes of Godzilla is like a childhood dream for me and this series acts as a perfect opportunity for the two fandoms to come together.

But before we get into the issue itself, let’s take a look at the covers. The main cover is by Drew Johnson and sees a minuscule looking Superman hoist open the mouth of a furious-looking Godzilla. This cover is epic in every sense, the striking contrast of Godzilla’s atomic breath really adds to the excitement I have for this issue.

Justice League vs Godzilla vs Kong #2 Review | The Aspiring Kryptonian

The connecting variant covers are by David Nakayama and showcase Wonder Woman and Batman as they take on both Godzilla and King Kong, alongside other superheroes which include Fire & Ice, Power Girl and Shazam. Perhaps that’s a hint as to who we may see in the issues to come. The detail on the monsters are incredible and the use of red fiery skies really showcase the danger and stakes at hand in the series.

Justice League vs Godzilla vs Kong #2 opens out with some great interactions between my favourite superhero and my favourite Kaiju monster. I love both properties and to see my favourites of each interacting with each other is a joy. The issue opens up with Superman trying to reason with Godzilla and when that fails we get a glimpse at the worldwide situation as other monsters take over the other cities, which means the Justice League can’t work as one to take down these simultaneous problems. It’s safe to say that Brian Buccalleto, lettered by Jimmy Betancourt and Richard Starkings, has really thought about the pairings and how he can make this crossover feel as authentic as possible.

The Justice League decide to form smaller teams to target the monsters and the cities they have attacked. On their travels to their destinations, Wonder Woman and Green Arrow discover a brand new island and whilst she heads to Themyscira, she leaves Green Arrow to investigate. What is great about this series is that though they work well as a team, we do see some cracks start to show with some of the smaller teams bickering and members even being left alone. It seems that Toy Man is now in control of the Legion Of Doom as he has the power of the Dreamstone and wishes other members back to their original cities where they start to regret their decisions

The artwork by Christan Duce and Luis Guerrero is fantastic, they perfectly capture the essence of these humongous monsters in a way that is true to their original source material. With the Justice League taking on creatures like this, of course there are going to be some epic action sequences and the pair really do exceed any expectations I had in terms of that.

All but one of Justice League’s attack plans fail miserably ending with one of their big hitters being taken down. Justice League vs Godzilla vs Kong so far has been an action packed ride and a joy to read. With such big stakes and so little time for planning, this is proving to be an exhilarating series, but there seems to be a monster missing…

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