Gold Superman, Classic Brainiac & Skull Ship Action Figures Released By ‘DC Super Powers’ Line

Last week, McFarlane Toys revealed the next six figure set for the seventh wave of the DC Super Powers lined, inspired by the line of toys of the same name during the 80s. In addition to Sinestro (Sinestro Corps War), Kilowog (Tales of the Green Lantern Corps), Batman (manga), and Blue Beetle (Justice League International), an anniversary edition Gold Superman and Brainiac based on his first appearance, along with his infamous Skull Ship.
The four and a half inch Superman figure uses the same mold as the standard one with a fabric cape and five points of articulation. The Gold Superman is listed as a 40th Anniversary special which must pertain to the original DC Super Powers figure line. Even after all these years, McFarlane captures that retro figure feel with simplified designs and basic articulation. The figure just isn’t dipped in gold paint as it’s just the areas of his suit that are blue. There’s something about gold and being the best.

Brainiac’s first appearance is best suited for the DC Super Powers line with the retro theme they are going with. Before he would often be depicted as an android from planet Colu, he was a mad scientist using technological augmentations – almost like a Lex Luthor from space. Here he is in all his pink collared shirt and black briefs glory. Like the original toys from the 80s, Brainiac’s Skull Ship uses a simple go-kart like design that can be pushed. The tentacles protruding from the skull shaped vessel capable of conquering and leveling entire worlds even move! This was a much needed addition to the DC Super Powers vehicle collection. Interestingly enough, McFarlane Toys made an older variant of Brainiac’s ship with an all chrome palette rather than the green and dark purple one here. The figure easily stands in the ship and uses the same four and a half inch scale that the rest of the DC Super Powers figures use with five points of articulation.

Pre-orders for Gold Superman, Brainiac, and the rest of wave seven are available through Entertainment Earth and are expected to ship out in April. Each figure can be individually ordered for $9.99 or the full set for $59.99. Pre-orders for Brainiac with his Skull Ship went for $29.99 on McFarlane Toys’ website and is also expected to ship out in April.