REVIEW: Action Comics #1078
Action Comics #1078 acts as a reunion between Superman and the rest of the Super-family, though it isn’t quite as relieving as we might have hoped!
But before we get into the issue itself, let’s take a look at the covers. The standard cover by Clayton Henry and perfectly captures the opening of this issue and also captures the stakes of the threat in play. In a way it’s a simple idea for a cover, but it is executed perfectly and in a way that simplicity really adds to the impact of the cover.

This variant by A.L Kaplan is nothing short of gorgeous! There is a real sense of nostalgia with this cover and it really gives some welcomed retro vibes, which I adore. The detail is stunning and I really love the art style that Kaplan has brought to the table here. Simply stunning.

Mikel Janin’s variant just proves to me why he is one of my favourite cover artists of the moment. His Superman is always perfect, perfect positioning, perfect colours, just perfect and this cover is no exception. This is the hopeful Superman that we all know and love.

There are also other incredible covers by Sweeney Boo and David Nakayama available for purchase:

Action Comics #1078 opens up by really showing how the sun failing is affecting our Kryptonian heroes as we see Jon, Conner, Kenan and Supergirl struggle to stop a threat to metropolis due to their powers depleting. Just in the nick of time Superman returns and as we know it isn’t with good news. Though Earth has had its problems, they are nothing compared to what is really happening and it seems the others were unaware of that. Superman is given a big decision to make, with his power levels not being 100%, carrying out Mr Terrific’s plan is extremely risky and the odds are leaning heavily against them. But as always, what I love is that even with that burden, Superman still doesn’t lose sight of what’s important.
I really love the way that writer Mark Waid tells us the story and the emotions via Superman’s inner monologue, here he talks us through his decisions, his motivations and his hope and it really is inspiring. Though I will say that in some moments those choices that he makes do see rather hasty, especially when it comes to the consequences that they may leave. Letters are done by Dave Sharpe.
The interior artwork is by Clayton Henry, Michael Shelfer, with colours by Matt Herms. The art is great! As I’ve said before they have such a way with showing emotions in their artwork, it really does make it so much more impactful. The action sequences are second to none and I have to say this trio really do bring to life our favourite Kryptonians in the best possible way.
Just as we and Superman get our hopes up in Action Comics #1078, fear is quick to set in as the plan worked, but didn’t go entirely to plan… It’s a good job that he and the sun is getting back to full power because he’s going to need all the strength he can get going forwards.
(8/10) The stakes are still riding high in Action Comics #1078, it isn’t just the consequences of Aethyrs plan that they are dealing with, but also with the consequences of the Kandorian Council. Things just got even more serious for the Superman family and I cannot wait to see where it goes from here, it’s going to be interesting!