REVIEW: Superman: The Last Days Of Lex Luthor #2


Superman: The Last Days of Lex Luthor #2 is finally upon us and was actually worth the wait. It may have taken over a year and a half to get into our hands, but the issue doesn’t miss a beat nor does it rely on a reread of #1 to understand what’s going on. Lex is dying from a seemingly incurable illness and Superman uses every resource he can think of to try and save his life.

The standard cover is by Bryan Hitch and David Baron. Superman flying through the streets of Metropolis barely above the heads of bystanders. One woman reaching up to touch his boots as he passes by, but looks unsure if she should. In a way this cover sets the tone of the issue as we get perspectives on how Superman is seen throughout the DCU within this story.

REVIEW: Superman: The Last Days Of Lex Luthor #2

Chris Samnee and Matheus Lopes’s variant gives us a view into Lex’s perspective as he stoically watches Superman from his high rise window. The Sun’s rays peeking around Superman adds a divine element to his presence, which Luthor absolutely loathes.

REVIEW: Superman: The Last Days Of Lex Luthor #2

The retailer incentive variant is by Francis Manapul. Here we have Lex and Superman come to some kind of truce as they shake each other’s hand. You can definitely tell it’s an uneasy alliance as both characters have their other hand clenched in a fist as though they’d rather punch each other than work together.  

REVIEW: Superman: The Last Days Of Lex Luthor #2

Bryan Hitch, Colorist David Baron, and Inker Kevin Nowlan make up the interior art team. This issue takes us to various different corners of the DCU and they make it all look fantastic. The scenery alone is worth picking this book up but add in the cameo splash pages and you’ve got yourself something extra special. For a story that could easily be just dialogue and fantastical settings, this trio of artists makes every panel count and delivers on several action sequences. It really is a spectacular feast for your eyes.

Mark Waid, with letters by Richard Starkings and Tyler Smith of Comicraft, gives a Superman story that really speaks to the heart of the character. Clark decides to exhaust all possible avenues to help Lex which takes us on an extensive journey through places important to Superman lore. This includes detailed interactions with The Legion of Superheroes, Wonder Woman, and Lori Lemaris as well as cameo appearances from Maxima, Adam Strange, Mr. Mxyzptlk, and many others. With each stop, Lex gets an earful of how Superman is viewed by those around him and Waid naturally nails each perspective. Clark also has to defend his course of action which showcases why he’s a hero among heroes. Just as the book feels like it’s winding down, a couple of interesting twists take place that sets up what could be a very surprising finale.  

(9/10) I am genuinely impressed how much Superman: The Last Days of Lex Luthor #2 stands on its own as the middle of a three part story especially with how delayed it was. Don’t let the DC Black Label fool you either as there’s nothing overtly “adult” about this book, or series, thus far.

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