Superman ’78 Volume 2 Announced


Volume 2 of Superman ’78 has been announced in possibly the most subtle way I’ve seen in a long time, but I could not be happier.

Volume 2 of Superman ’78 has been announced in possibly the most subtle way I’ve seen in a long time, but I could not be happier. The first volume was a HUGE hit among Superman fans, whether lifelong, casual, or newly introduced.

Robert Venditti and Wilfredo Torres took a very big risk when continuing the story arc of the iconic Superman film series starring Christopher Reeve. The film holds so much respect and features portrayals that are still fan favourites today. I can wholeheartedly confirm that they totally exceeded the expectations of many and gave these characters and those who played them a new lease of life and left fans wanting more.

Superman '78 Volume 2
Photo Credit: DC Entertainment

Well, it seems the fans have been heard as Robert Venditti shared the very subtle announcement via Instagram, which you may have previously missed. Unless you had picked up the collected edition of the Superman ’78 series, you wouldn’t have seen the announcement at all, that is until Venditti amplified it! Here is the post that he shared:


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A post shared by Robert Venditti (@robertvenditti)

I for one cannot wait for Superman ’78 Volume 2 and more specifically I cannot wait to see what Robert Venditti and Wilfredo Torres introduce into this phase of the Donnerverse and what likenesses the villains will carry.

The first volume was fantastic and I am certain Volume 2 will be too. As of yet there are no details in regards to when it will be released

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