My Superman Collection Interview with BBC Midlands


A few months ago, I was contacted by a trainee reporter at BBC Midlands, who wanted to feature my Superman collection in a video that they had to make as part of their training. Unfortunately I responded too late and lost that chance – I didn’t think another would come up, but he said he would keep my details in case of anyone else wanting to do the same.

Now, a few weeks back, I was contacted by two more trainees who also wanted to do an interview for BBC Midlands on my Superman collection, of course, I jumped at the chance and made sure I responded in good time. In preparation I got everything down from the attic and put up some shelves to show off what I have, but of course, I couldn’t fit everything out!

The two trainees came around to my flat and did some recording and took some pictures of my Superman collection, and some of my key pieces. And then we sat down to do the interview.

I was really nervous, but in the end, I really enjoyed it and it was good to get a bit of word about my Superman collection out there for the world to see. They said if the video turned out any good, it might make it to the BBC Midlands Facebook page – and it did!

I was worried that some of the things I said (especially the last line), might make me sound crazy, but so far I’ve had a great response! As a result, I also ended up on the BBC Georgey Tonight radio show to talk Superman and go head to head with Marco Zorzin, who currently holds the Guinness World Record title.

Here is the finished video – although they did one key fact wrong… and that’s how much has been spent on my Superman collection. I have spent around £3K on comics and graphic novels, but the collection overall – I have spent around £13-15K.

Here is a link to the Facebook page –

Some people have also criticized that my comic collection isn’t that impressive and that I’m an amateur collector – I know I haven’t got the largest collection of comics and memorabilia and I don’t claim to have, but its a start and it is continuing to grow.

I wanted to post this, in response to the feedback and love I’ve been getting from doing this as I can’t thank people individually. And if anything more comes from this, I will let you guys know!

To see more about my Superman collection, please click here.

5 thoughts on “My Superman Collection Interview with BBC Midlands

  1. Congratulations! It was great to see some of your collection on video. It looks like you broke the seal of the Supergirl first appearance statue for them.

    I actually love the line they chose to end it with. If I ever have kids, I guess I’d feel the same way.

    Also, I really like your new logo!!

  2. Have been meaning to comment on this for a while, but life has been hectic. Congratulations on being featured, it is good to see geeky stuff like this presented positively in mainstream media

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