My SUPER Day At Liverpool Comic Con 2019!
Liverpool Comic Con 2019 was a great event this year! It was my first time at the convention and actually my first time at a Monopoly Events production. I have to say, I was very impressed!
I was all excited to attend Liverpool Comic Con 2019 anyway, with it being my first Con of the year! But I have to say, what a line-up! There was something for everyone, but plenty for me in particular – A Superman fan. When I’d planned my visit, I had pre-booked several autographs – with Jeff East, Teri Hatcher and Dean Cain. I’m not sure what I was more excited about, the idea of meeting these incredible people, or the fact that you could pre-book autographs! For anyone who is familiar with London Film & Comic Con and the chaos involved just to get an autograph from the biggest guests, you would understand! They operate a virtual ticket system, where you have to pretty much get there first thing in the morning, and then run to the autograph desks to be issued with a numbered ticket. And unless you get a diamond pass, which sometimes costs a bomb, it is very unlikely that you’d get a chance to get one!
Anyway, on Saturday morning, my day started at 5.00am! We set off for the long drive from Worcester, to Liverpool. But heck, it was worth it! We got stuck in a bit of traffic, so got to the venue at around 9.45am. Because of the time, I headed straight to the talks that I wanted to attend. The first one kicked off at 10.20 and was with Jeff East – AKA Young Clark Kent from Superman: The Movie.
From the talk, he seemed like a LOVELY guy, he talked a range of things, including some BTS gossip and facts! He first talked about where they filmed, for those that are interested the Smallville farm is actually filmed in Southern Alberta, Canada! Then he talked about how they filmed the stunts back then, where he stated that a lot of the stunts were filmed backwards, and then replayed forwards. You know that famous scene where he outruns a train and then jumps in front? Yup, he really did that, and YUP it was filmed backwards! But then the weirdest thing he spoke about was the prosthetic that he had to wear during filming! Who knew?! He had to wear a black wig (I had a hunch it was a wig!), but also a prosthetic nose, because they were trying to get him to look like Christopher Reeve as much as possible!
Then it was time to hit the stalls, there weren’t too many stalls, but they had some great items there. The stalls ranged from comic book, to manga, to Pokemon, to anime, to artwork – there were LOTS! I was visiting on a budget, but I managed to get myself a brand new Superman bag from Batman V Superman. It is beautiful, has the same markings that the Superman suit had – so detailed!
We then made it back to the stage area, where a HUGE crowd was waiting for the next talk – The Superman Special! What else? Both Dean Cain & Teri Hatcher talked about all things Lois & Clark, what it was like to be involved in the TV show and what it meant to them. But also embarrassing moments that they had during filming – mostly revolving around the Superman Costume! They also talked about their roles in Supergirl and what it was like to get back involved in the Superman legacy.
For those that are familiar with the Lois & Clark series, you can still really see the chemistry between them and it is so nice to see. A blast from the past if you will… They are so fun together, I really hope they do more conventions together! Of course, I got the most important part of the talk on camera… THE REUNION! It is clear that the pair are interested in delving back into the relationship of Lois & Clark and a 20 years later snapshot into their lives – this is something we have NEVER seen on screen, so I feel it is a great idea! Here is the full video of the moment they were asked if they were up for doing a fifth series! I hope this gets a lot of people talking, well enough to make this happen!
After the Superman Special talk, it was time for some autographs! First on the list was Jeff East. His booth was fairly quiet, so he really took time with everyone who went to see him. He was very talkative, and very approachable which is always a good sign! When I met him, I actually gave him my card in hopes for an interview… fingers crossed! Usually you have to pay to get a selfie with a guest, but Jeff was all for getting out of his seat and getting pictures with his fans – myself included!

As mentioned, I had paid for an autograph, which I had personalised – I understand that my name isn’t common, so I’ll forgive the extra ‘e’ at the end! Then, the person that was sat with him for the day actually knew my blog and recognised me. It doesn’t happen often, so when it did I was overjoyed! He gave me a pre-signed image as a gift, and I am so grateful. These autographs capture Superman history and now they are a part of my collection!

The order of autographs I went for, was based on the queue size – so next up was Teri Hatcher. She was lovely! Very charming and even introduced herself to everyone. You could only get a picture if you’d have booked/paid for them, and as I was on a budget, I just got a sneaky photo from afar! I’ll be honest, I was a little nervous when meeting Teri, so the meeting was a little short and sweet as I couldn’t get my words out! I had brought my own book to get signed by both Teri and Dean, which I will show you shortly… Teri and Dean’s chemistry really shone through during the talks and it was incredible to see them reunited again. I really hope this convention spurs on more joint appearances from them in the future!

Then it was time to join the lengthy queue for the one and only Dean Cain! Dean’s queue was constant, the poor guy didn’t get a break! But even though he was busy all day, then dragged off for the photo shoots and talks, he took his time with every single fan, he was constantly smiling and genuinely enjoying himself – well, so it seemed! After a lot of queuing, I was finally at the front, with my book ready for him to sign. I actually met him a few years back at London Film and Comic Con, and then that eventually led to me interviewing him! A surreal moment! But as I approached his table, he remembered me! He got up and came around from his desk and hugged me, he asked how the blog was going and we had a quick chat (I didn’t want to take up too much of his time), he signed my book and we took a picture. We had actually pre-arranged an interview at the convention, but after seeing how busy he was, it was best if we left it! There’s always next time – he promised that he would be attending several UK comic con’s this year! So keep your eyes peeled!

Here is the Lois & Clark comic that I had signed by the pair. It’s the comic books that the TV series was based upon by John Byrne.

They were the only autographs that I got for this event, you guys know I was only interested in the Superman guests, so what did you expect? By the time that I’d got all of those, I had around half an hour to look around at the cosplayers. Unfortunately, I didn’t get as many photos as I’d have liked of them, but I got a few! From the likes of PikaPool to Aquaman, there were some fantastic cosplayers at this event, and actually a lot more than I’d expected, which was lovely to see!

Overall, I was really impressed with Liverpool Comic Con 2019 and would most definitely consider going again! They had incredible guests, great talks, awesome cosplayers and just a fantastic vibe in general! Thank you to Monopoly Events for having me!
An absolutely fantastic round up of the event Tamsin, thank you so much for sharing! I had tears in my eyes reading about your time meeting Dean Cain again and I’m so stoked for you. It’s so sweet that he remembered you and even asked about the blog! Fingers crossed that one of those UK dates is one near me as I’d love the chance to meet him.
Tasmin I saw you at the event 🙂 that was my first Con and travelled from Hungary to see my forever Lois&Clark duo. It was a pleasure to be there. I had amazing time. I hope I’ll have a chance to meet Teri&Dean in the near future again. I wish you all the best!
Ah you should have said hi! Glad you enjoyed it!