Lois Lane #1 is finally here as she takes centre stage in her very own 12 issue series by Eisner award winning writer Greg Rucka and artist Mike Perkins. Well aware of this creative teams’ previous endeavors on titles such as Daredevil, Iron Fist and Gotham Central I was going into this series with the highest of expectations. I hoped we’d get a truly unique crime drama full of suspense, intrigue and espionage. With that being said, before we dive in let’s take a look at the covers.

Interior artist Mike Perkins has created a very noir looking cover as Lois stares intently over a copy of the Daily Planet. It feels almost as though she is staring directly at the reader, which is a great touch. This cover includes many trappings you would associate with a crime story – such as the city as a backdrop, a newspaper and what appears to be a plume of cigarette smoke. A nice little nod to Margot Kidder’s interpretation of the character perhaps? I really enjoyed this cover and believe that it really does encapsulates the mood and tone of the interior.

Image result for lois lane #1

Artist Jenny Frison has created a very art deco inspired portrait of Lois Lane. Without a doubt it is most definitely a combination of the eyes, dark lipstick and fedora hat with press pass that has allowed me to come to this conclusion. This cover is so striking and is perfect for the inaugural issue of a highly anticipated run. It is beautiful, but to me Lois looks more like Gal Gadot.

lois lane #1 variant

Lois Lane #1 opens up in Lois’ hotel room in Chicago which she is currently living out of since her return from space. We find her working hard at it on a story, while taking part in a quirky conversation with housekeeping, and a blaring TV describing some political activities. In my opinion this is a very clever way to fill the reader in on the current political climate, as I believe this will be a major part of the storyline moving forward. I love how this series seems to already be laying the groundwork for it to incorporate political issues already. For me this is a very relevant arena for the book to play in considering the political upheaval, and concern we are currently facing in the real world both at home and abroad. It also gives you a look into the life of Lois Lane and how busy it can be!

Later we find Lois taking part in a very intriguing conversation with Perry in somewhat of a clandestine encounter. This of course is about a story that only Lois could get to the bottom of. Of course, Perry and Lois know what the story is about but for the time being the reader is left in the dark. Perry warns Lois of the repercussions that she may face if she follows through with the story. I simply love Perry’s dialogue in this exchange. He plays the role of boss and mentor while delivering a plethora of emotions including concern, respect, trust and most importantly belief. I believe that writer Greg Rucka truly understands Lois and Perry’s dynamic, and it really works here. He writes Perry effortlessly incorporating all his many quintessential facets. His belief in Lois is unwavering and knows that it is unwise to doubt her.

Lois’ exchange with Perry also produces another thread that is explored in the issue – in the form of a reporter found dead in Russia by the name of ‘Mariska Voronova’ who has often clashed with the Kremlin. Once again Lois is compelled to search for the truth. With that said, Lois looks to ‘The Question’ for answers. With Perry believing foul play maybe at hand and Lois knowing of a secret backup drive belonging to Voronova, Lois meets with the Question and asks that she retrieve the drive. Initially I didn’t pick up on it but after my second read through of the issue I was intrigued to see that Greg Rucka has utilized the Renee Montoya version of ‘The Question’ to feature in this series. Renee Montoya AKA The Question has not been seen for quite some time, however it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise considering how important a role Renee Montoya played in Greg Rucka’s ‘Gotham Central’ series. I adored how the exchange between Lois and The Question occurred. It was straight out of a crime noir thriller. The setting, the weather, Lois talking to the shadows as The Question ominously appearing added so much tension and atmosphere to the scene.

Arguably my favourite scene in this issue featured The Question and her retrieval of the data drive. These pages were just so dark, grim and gritty and full of violence. This right here was the hardboiled, crime noir action I had promised myself when I first learned of this title. Mike Perkins combat is so precise. I love his panel layouts, his combat really flows and follows a pattern. You really don’t miss a single beat.

As the issue closes, we see Lois somewhat aggressively question the white house press secretary to the point where she is actually ejected from the briefing altogether. Lois leaves with her head held high knowing that all that matters is uncovering the truth, however perhaps with severe ramifications. Seeing Lois this determined and righteous truly is a sight to behold. I love seeing the character so combative and unwavering in her quest for the truth. I’m not entirely sure what this segment of the issue is actually about though, as we were thrust into the scenario halfway through. This may or may not have been the story Lois was working on at the beginning of the issue.

This issue definitely gave me all I was expecting and hoping for, even if the issue did feel choppy and a little disjointed in places. The sequence that made Lois Lane #1 feel disjointed the most was definitely the exchange between Lois and Clark. Clark just felt a little shoehorned in, like his appearance was forced. Their dialogue wasn’t entirely that of a married couple with a child. Lois was just a little to flippant for me. The final scenes were also a little confusing. Perhaps if we the audience were filled in on what was being discussed it may actually of helped, but I guess that’s all part of the mystery!

Lois Lane #1 showcased all of the sassy, go-getting qualities that Lois has. This is the Lois we know and love, and it is SO nice (I’ve said this many times before) to see her take the limelight. It’s rare we get that, and it is so special when it does happen.

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