First Look At Upcoming Series ‘Superman Smashes The Klan’
‘Superman Smashes The Klan’ is exactly what is says on the tin. Superman taking on the KKK. Although it’s fun to see Superman taking on bad-ass villains, it is SO nice and refreshing to see him taking on real things in history, and something that unfortunately is still around today – hatred and racism. Personally, I am VERY excited to read this, and I know I say that about every Superman book that gets released, but I really am buzzing about this. Here’s a look at the cover of #1:

Here is the official write up from DC Comics;
“The year is 1946, and the Lee family has moved from Metropolis’s Chinatown to the center of the bustling city. While Dr. Lee is greeted warmly in his new position at the Metropolis Health Department, his two kids, Roberta and Tommy, are more excited about being closer to their famous hero, Superman! While Tommy adjusts to the fast pace of the city, Roberta feels out of place, as she tries and fails to fit in with the neighborhood kids. As the Lees try to adjust to their new lives, an evil is stirring in Metropolis: the Ku Klux Klan. When the Lee family awakens one night to find a burning cross on their lawn, they consider leaving town. But the Daily Planet offers a reward for information on the KKK, and their top two reporters, Lois Lane and Clark Kent, dig into the story.
When Tommy is kidnapped by the KKK, Superman leaps into action — with help from Roberta! But Superman is still new to his powers — he hasn’t even worked out how to fly yet, so he has to run across town. Will Superman and Roberta reach Tommy in time?”
The series is written by Gene Luen Yang, who is an Eisner award winning writer for his work on The Shadow Hunter and Avatar: The Last Airbender back in 2015. Gene Luen Yang has teamed up with art studio Gurihuru to create a story that I already know is going to be epic. It’s a great way of bringing in fun reading, with historically devastating events. A good way for readers to learn, remember and further understand the struggles with such themes. The artwork that has been released in an article with The Hollywood Reporter just looks incredible. Here’s a look at some of the interior art:

In the interview with Hollywood Reporter Yang really expressed his passion for the story, and elaborated on why he decided to focus the book around a Chinese/American family:
“For me, I wanted to center the story on this Chinese American family. I really do think of this book as an Asian American book — maybe not just that, an immigrant book. By putting this Chinese American family center stage, it really highlighted the specific immigrant side of Superman.”
It is clear to see that Yang has taken influence from the 1940’s radio series ‘The Adventures Of Superman’, in particular the episode – “Clan Of The Fiery Cross”. As well as that, it is clear that the artwork was also influenced by the Fleischer series of Superman, and it really pays off. I love everything about the artwork in this series so far, and I can’t wait to see more of it.
Superman Smashes The Klan is a 3 part series which is said to be part of ‘DC Zoom’, which is a collection of books and stories that are aimed towards middle grade readers. Each issue will be 80 pages long. The first issue will be released on 16th October worldwide, with a collective edition released in 2020. I have mine on pre-order already!