REVIEW: Jimmy Olsen #6
Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #6 is here and straight off the bat, I got a huge kick out of the main cover created by interior artist Steve Lieber.
I’m a huge fan of Frank Miller and his Dark Knight Returns universe he has been crafting over the years, and seeing a variation of Miller’s Dark Knight Returns armored Batman suit with Jimmy crawling around inside of it really bought a smile to my face. That’s just the kind of book this is. Irreverent hi-jinks that knows no bounds. I love the use of the Dark Knight Returns style text placed on the bottom right hand corner of the cover. Instantly recognisable in my opinion.
The variant cover is created once again by Ben Oliver who in my opinion is a master at creating high concept visuals that instantly take you to places you are least expecting. For example, the 2017 Justice League Movie and inexplicably thats were we find ourselves today thanks to this cover. Jimmy is clearly attempting to squeeze into Batman’s cowl from that very movie and I just love it. Like I said, these covers and book in general seems to know no bounds and this image like the regular cover is a prime example of that.

Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #6 heralds the half way point of the series and delivers perhaps my favourite issue to date. It does seem rather choppy and disjointed at times, but once you really sink your teeth into it certainly by the halfway point, ‘loose ends’ and unresolved plot points seem to really be addressed. This issue even goes as far as to address a plot point which originated from the Leviathan Rises special from back in the summer.
This issue really dives deep into events that have transpired in previous issues and goes a long way to add new dimensions to them. With that being said, I feel that we are now well on our way to getting some of our questions answered. I did however find myself really missing our annual journey back in time, and catching up with the continuing exploits of Jimmy’s ancestors. I guess this was dropped in favour of the aforementioned success of unresolved plot points being addressed.
This issue included some wonderful character debuts, most notably in the form of Assassin Nathan Guy and Detective James Corrigan III. These additions to this every growing cast list are deeply engaging as I found myself totally immersed in their exploits. The name Corrigan runs extremely deep in DC Comics lore. Be it James Corrigan or Jim, this character or any other iteration are deeply entrenched in DC Comics mythology.
This issue even acknowledges that rich history as two Police officers discretely discuss the infamous ‘Spectre’. His human alias was of course none other than Jim Corrigan who debuted back in More Fun Comics #52 from 1940 and who was co-created by none other than Jerry Siegel. The James Corrigan character who appeared in today’s issue of is in my opinion the same character who debuted back in Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #149 from 1972, who went onto appear within the pages of Black Lightning. I simply adore this kind of connectivity. It doesn’t always work but this series certainly seems like the kind that can expertly pull it off.
Once again the artwork and colours created by Steve Lieber and Nathan Fairbairn respectively work perfectly in tandem to produce the most wonderful pages. Each packed full of gorgeous imagery both grounded and other-worldly. The scenes from Superman’s Fortress Of Solitude are gorgeous and take me right back to the Richard Donner’s Superman films. Another piece of DC Comics lore I’m gratefully reminded of is Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli’s Batman: Year One. This issue has masterfully utilized elements from that book perfectly especially in the way Batman looks himself. This series continues to be the best looking on the shelves today bar none.
Matt Fraction has written the best issue of the series to date in my opinion. The information boxes setting the scene for each chapter as it were are packed full of rich dialogue and information that really expands the world being crafted before our eyes. The dialogue shared between our beloved characters is ‘punchy’ and full of heart and humor in equal measure. Superman and Lex showcase this perfectly in this issue. Batman’s exchange with Janie Olsen is the absolute highlight of the issue. Again, its just packed full of light, heart and humor. I real joy to read.
Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #6 is a total joy to behold. Believe me, this series can do what no other can. It has the remarkable ability to cross lines like no other and incorporate different pockets of the DC Universe with ease. Batman, Ultraspace and Dex-Starr the Red Lantern all feel at home in this series and that’s just to name a few elements featured in this book. As always I cannot wait to see what happens next within the pages of Superman’ Pal Jimmy Olsen.
Haven’t picked up your issue yet? You can get the standard variant by Steve Leiber here (UK), or here (US). Prefer the variant cover? You can pick that up here.