My Top 10 Superman Comic Issues & Covers of 2019
Here are my top 10 Superman comics! Personally, I think 2019 has been a great year for comics! I’ve read so many great issues and seen so many awesome covers, it’s hard to keep up! So, with that in mind, I’ve decided to put together a list of my top 10 comic issues and covers from 2019. It took me a while to come up with this list, and a lot of changes were made until it was final. Please note that this is my own personal list, so I know there may be a lot of disagreements, but hopefully some agreements too!
First up, are the individual comic issues:
10. Action Comics #1016
This issue really introduced me to Naomi and what she was capable of. I’m a huge fan of her character, and this issue lead me to read more of her adventures. Action Comics #1016 really had everything. It had epic fight sequences, it was inspirational and incredibly emotional. This is genuinely my favourite issue from Bendis’ run of Action Comics. I loved it. You can read our full review of Action Comics #1016 here.
You can pick up your copy of Action Comics #1016 here.
9. Superman: Year One – Book 2
As bizarre as this series was, and especially this book, it was thoroughly entertaining! Although some actions are out of character, the origin slightly altered and the addition of straight up fantasy, I did enjoy the issue. Frank Miller really did get me hooked and I was thoroughly entertained throughout. Even if I did sometimes think to myself “what on Earth?!”. You can read our full review of Superman: Year One #2 here.
You can pick up your copy of Superman: Year One – Book Two here.
8. Dear Justice League
Everyone already knows how much I loved this book. It’s not often that we get a book like this for the younger audience, I think it’s a great way to get them involved in comics and to get them involved in superheroes. I can genuinely say that when I have children, this will be a book that I will introduce them too. Michael Northrop and Gustavo Duarte, thank you for bringing us this incredible book. You can read our full review for Dear Justice League here.

You can pick up your copy of Dear Justice League here.
7. Superman #18
Superman #18 feels like a very personal issue as the Man of Steel goes about revealing his secret to his nearest and dearest before announcing it to the world. I adore this issue. This certainly feels like a water shed moment. A momentous issue and incredibly important piece of DC Comics’ history. Bendis handled this reveal perfectly! You can read our full review of Superman #18 here.

You can pick up your copy of Superman #18 here.
6. Superman – Up In The Sky #6
Tom King is a master at taking the most fantastical elements of comics and really grounding them in a reality that the audience can relate to. This finale issue perfectly adapted who MY Superman is, this is Superman at his finest moment, and I absolutely loved this issue. You can read our full review of Up In The Sky #6 here.

You can pick up your copy of Superman Up In The Sky #6 here.
Not only was this finale issue brutal, it was incredible emotional. We saw Lois Lane who has lost her job and her husband allow the only thing that she has left to go up against him. She knew the risk, and knew the strength that they were us against, but she had no choice. Tom Taylor is an absolute master when it comes to his writing. You can read our full review on the issue here.

You can pick up your copy of DCEASED #6 here.
4. Man & Superman
Marv Wolfman has created a true masterpiece in Man and Superman. The Superman persona doesn’t even appear in this story, yet it is so compelling and captures the true essence of what the character will become and values he will stand for. Man and Superman just felt really special to me. It felt like an event book. The format was perfect for this kind of epic storytelling. I for one would love to see a sequel in this format and for Marv Wolfman to return to the character that he understands all to well. You can read our full review of Man & Superman here.
You can pick up your copy of Man & Superman here.
3. Superman Smashes The Klan #1
This book is incredibly powerful and emotional. It highlights just a fraction of the horrors that real people went through, just because of the colour of their skin. I love that this horrible piece of history is resurfacing, as it gives younger readers a chance to learn about this era and horror, but it also just acts as a reminder. You can read our full review of Superman Smashes The Klan #1 here.
You can pick up your copy of Superman Smashes The Klan #1 here.
DCeased #5 is a true tour de force in my opinion, as it provides the reader with every emotion you can possibly think of while setting up beautifully for the final installment. Shocking is a word I would most certainly use to describe this issue as I found myself gasping on multiple occasions. I actually even cried whilst reading this issue, as the creative team shocked me to my very core with the most brutal and quite frankly ‘no holds barred’ imagery there could possibly be. You can read our full review of DCEASED #5 here.
You can pick up your issue of DCEASED #5 here.
1. Tales From The Dark Multiverse – The Death Of Superman
Jeff Loveness has created a brutally harrowing, yet emotional comic book – I cannot fault it. I loved every second of it. The reason it’s harrowing is that there are several BRUTAL deaths within the comic, which you just don’t expect. Perhaps you don’t expect it because it’s not in the original, and perhaps that helps with the shock factor. But wow. I was gobsmacked at each and every death we see within the comic. You can read our full review of Tales Of The Dark Multiverse: The Death Of Superman here.
You can pick up your copy of Tales Of The Dark Multiverse: The Death Of Superman here.
Now lets get onto the covers:
10. Superman #16 Variant
This is such an INCREDIBLE piece, the attention to detail, the colours used, and the facial expressions are just perfect. I really love this cover by Jason Masters for the DCeased variants. I just love the idea of it, throughout the whole Superman mythos, the Daily Planet adore Superman and have him in such high regard. This artwork completely overturns that. You can read our full review of Superman #16 here.
You can pick up your copy of the Superman #16 Variant Cover here.
9. Superman: Year One – Book 3
This incredible cover is by interior artist John Romita Jr. I absolutely adore it, the artwork combined with Danny Miki’s exquisite inks really just make it pop. It’s brilliant, powerful and beautiful at the same time. I have to say this is actually one of my favourite John Romita Jr pieces EVER. You can read our full review of Superman: Year One – Book #3 here.

You can pick up your issue of Superman: Year One – Book Three here.
8. DCEASED #1 Variant Cover
This cover is just plain awesome. This Midtown Comics variant for DCEASED #1 by Inhyuk Lee adds a horrific twist on an already iconic cover. I really love his art style, and also the fact that he did variants throughout the entire series, each were equally as detailed as this one, but of course the Superman one was my ultimate favourite. It is devastatingly beautiful. You can read our full review of DCEASED #1 here.

You can pick up your copy of DCEASED #1 here.
7. Action Comics #1012
Jamal Campbell has created this beautiful yet epic cover for this issue. Superman is flying at speed over Metropolis just ahead of The Red Mist’s reach. I just LOVE this cover. Superman pushing his powers to the maximum spotlights just how dangerous The Red Mist is, even though she is still a newcomer to the villain world. The colours are just so striking above the clouds, I just love the texture of the artwork. You can read our full review of Action Comics #1012 here.

You can pick up your copy of Action Comics #1012 here.
6. Superman #17
Artist extraordinaire Ivan Reis has created a very memorable cover as Superman’s emblem takes centre stage as he looks over his shoulder. I love this cover as it really works as a ‘new beginning’ kind of cover. Very memorable and an instant classic. You can read our full review of Superman #17 here.

You can pick up your copy of Superman #17 here.
5. Superman #10 Variant Cover
This variant cover by Adam Hughes has a very timeless look to it. It really reminds me of the Fleischer cartoon series. I love the addition of the locomotive in the back ground. This cover is just lovely. It made me feel very nostalgic and it reminded me of a cartoon series very dear to my heart and for that I can’t thank Hughes enough. It is beautiful! You can read our full review of Superman #10 here.

You can pick up this cover of Superman #10 here.
4. Action Comics #1009 Variant Cover
Francis Manapul has created one of the most gorgeous covers I’ve ever seen. This cover just pops off the shelf and jumps into your hands. I love the dynamic pose married up with Superman’s heat vision. The blue of Superman’s suit really reminds me of Christopher Reeve’ s costume from Superman: The Movie which I just adore. This cover is absolutely gorgeous and would look great as a pin up piece on anyone’s wall. You can read our full review of Action Comics #1009 here.

You can pick up your copy of Action Comics #1009 here.
3. Man And Superman
As soon as you see the cover art, you just know this is going to be an epic issue. Claudio Castellini has done a fantastic job, the cover is truly spectacular. The cover perfectly showcases the heart and feel of the issue, and I love when that happens. The colours only enhance that, and combined the cover is just beautiful. You can read our full review for Man & Superman here.
You can pick up your copy of Man & Superman here.
2. Batman/Superman #4 Variant Cover
I absolutely adore this. It’s beautiful. From the tone of colours to the glistening details, this cover is just gorgeous. I have no words for it. Olivier Coipel has well and truly knocked it out of the park with this one. In my opinion, it is his best work to date. I adore it! You can read our full review of Batman/Superman #4 here.

You can pick up your copy of Batman/Superman #4 here.
1. DCEASED #2 Variant Cover
Artist Francesco Mattina brings us a very intense image of an infected Superman. Of course I had to buy this cover. It looks as though it should be a retailer variant or convention exclusive considering how epic it looks. Those pulsating eyes full of infected heat vision make Superman look utterly crazed. This really is a great piece that looks intimidating as hell. This is truly my favorite piece from 2019. You can read our full review of DCEASED #2 here.

You can pick up your copy of DCEASED #2 here.
There you have it, my top 10 Superman comics! Like I said before, 2019 really has been a strong year for comics, just look at the plethora of incredible art and writing above! This has me incredibly excited for comics in 2020! Here’s to another year of reviews!
Agree 1000% with Tales of the Dark Multiverse!! That was great!! Would love to see DC do more of those.
Me too! They were so fun to read!