Lois Lane #8 is one of my favourite issues of the series so far. I find myself feeling this way with every issue that is released. This series is truly of the highest calibre.

The main cover for this issue is created by interior artist Mike Perkins and sees a very confident looking Lois captured in monochrome imitate one of Clark’s signature poses. I simply adore the use of Superman’s colours on this cover as they really allow for Lois’s monochrome visage to really pop off the  page.

Photo Credit: DC Entertainmennt

The variant cover is created by Kamome Shirahama and sees Lois’ shadow almost used like a window to depict the city of Metropolis including The Daily Planet building. The city is captured in Superman’s signature red and blue colour scheme. This cover is absolutely superb and so creative. I simply adore the anime style the artist provides. This is my first encounter with the artist and I must say, I’m an instant fan. Lois looks so graceful as her jacket flaps in the wind imitating Superman’s cape.  

Photo Credit: DC Entertainment

The issue kicks off in style as new villain ‘Kiss of Death’ explodes onto the scene as she attempts to takeout Lois Lane in her hotel suite. The combat in these scenes is nothing short of extraordinary as artist Mike Perkins delivers intricate and gritty combat that looks and feels totally realistic.  

The pinnacle of the issue is a wonderfully constructed splash page that see’s Renee Montoya go toe to toe with Kiss of Death. This incredible splash page really took me back to Mike Perkins’ time on Iron Fist. Perkins is clearly a master of capturing combat be it hand to hand or featuring weaponry. I’m so pleased to see this series utilize Perkins’ excellence in fight choreography. Greg Rucka really allows for his art to speak for itself during this splash page as only one speech balloon is featured.

The intense start to the issue is very much tempered with what comes next as almost the entirety of the Chicago PD descend on Lois’ hotel room. I love the fact that The Police come in force just to catch a glimpse of Superman. I thought this was very sweet indeed. Its always nice to see how the services view our beloved heroes.

The issue comes to a close as Lois and Renee turn to their investigative roots as the duo search for a lead regarding ‘Kiss of Death’, and just how exactly she accessed Lois’ suite. Not only does the issue end with some mystery, but with some intrigue too as we find ourselves in the UK, specifically the Midlands as a brand new player enters the fray.

Lois Lane #8 is a very quick read indeed, this however adds to its impact in my opinion as its hands down my favourite issue of the series to date. Mike Perkins’ artwork is on another level. The combat depicted is just incredible. The characters bodies move, bend and react so instinctively and with such realism. The newly created villain ‘Kiss of Death’ looks fantastic, however there’s no denying the fact that she has more than a passing resemblance to Director Bones former head of the DEO. Kiss of Death very much reminds me of a bond villain and I cannot wait to see more of this fascinating new addition to the DC Universe.

Seeing Lois’ life in jeopardy like this really signals just how high the stakes have risen. Lois Lane #8 doesn’t necessarily dive any deeper into just who exactly the main antagonist of the series is, but it has certainly highlighted just how powerful and connected they truly are.

Greg Rucka is really grounding these larger than life characters and showing us the less glamorous side of Lois’ life, and highlighting just how dangerous the life of an investigative journalist can be. If the next issue of Lois Lane is anything like this I will most certainly be counting down the days until its release.          

Haven’t picked up your issue yet? You can get the standard cover by interior artist Mike Perkins here (UK), or here (US). Or if you prefer the variant cover you can pick that up from here.

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