REVIEW: Superman: Son Of Kal-El #1
Superman: Son Of Kal-El #1 is an excellent start to a series that I am already invested in. It has beautiful and emotional moments, and really shows readers exactly the kind of Superman that Jon is going to be. I really can’t wait to see him blossom in this series.
Superman: Son Of Kal-El #1 is easily one of my most anticipated comic releases of the year and it is finally here. I am a huge fan of Tom Taylor anyway, and hearing the announcement to see him take on Superman was music to my ears.
But before we get into the issue itself, let’s take a look at the covers. First up, the standard cover which is by interior artist John Timms. This is a gorgeous tribute piece to ‘Superman #1’ and I really love that they have done this, not only does it pay tribute to Superman, but it introduces Jon’s Superman perfectly into the world. The detail and attention to detail is great here, it’s a vibrant piece with a hovering Superman watching over Metropolis. I really love it.
The first variant cover is by Inhyuk Lee and it is awesome and a very sweet tribute to fans of the ‘Super Sons’. I always admire his work, it is so realistic and I feel that he always captures the personalities and facial expressions of the characters he works with perfectly. I particularly love the facial expression and posture of Damian Wayne who is unwillingly being carried through the skies by Jon.
The second variant cover is by Stephen Byrne and showcases a very confident looking Superman as he hovers above Earth. I always love seeing these moments, I always imagine it being quite peaceful up there. I really like this piece, it has a rather digital style, but that does not in anyway take away the level of detail that Byrne has put into this. From Jon’s stance, to the suit detail everything is very well executed.

The final variant cover is by Jen Bartel and I absolutely adore it. This is one of three of her sketch covers for the upcoming Superman titles, and I particularly love this one! It is so realistic and really reminds me of the actor Joshua Orpin who is currently playing Superboy in Titans. Jon looks so hopeful and confident in this piece and I think it perfectly captures all of his essence.

As well as these there are also two other retailer variant covers for this issue, which just goes to show how big a deal this series is to DC Comics and I hope I can track them down in the UK.
Superman: Son Of Kal-El #1 perfectly sets up just exactly who Jon is and what he could potentially be capable of. This is done through beautiful and emotional flashbacks and showcasing just what type of person Jon is and what kind of Superman he wants to be. Not only is he the son of Kal-El, but he is also the son of Lois Lane and that is something that a lot of people forget, so I was very glad to see this being explored in this issue.
The opening to this issue was extremely emotional for me. It tells the story of Jon’s birth and as someone who has literally just gone through that rollercoaster myself, it just really struck a chord with me. This issue will be one I’ll never forget reading, not only because it was an excellent issue but because of the emotional attachment I now have with it. This was beautifully done and really showcased the love and support that Kal-El has for Lois Lane.
I really love how writer, Tom Taylor breaks down Jon’s trail of thought, it really shows him in all of his glory. This is a very confident Superman who uses compassion and initiative when it comes to problem solving and I love the narration explaining that a lot of those traits and ways of life came from his father and those around him.
Not only that but I also love how Taylor along with the art team have showcased Jon’s powers. Though we are more than familiar with the character, his power set and what people of his origin are capable of, this just feels so new. It feels like we are really getting to know Jon all over again in his new role and the new problems that he is set to face. There were a lot of doubts from Jon himself in the issues leading towards the start of this series, so it is great to see his confidence really take that boost and it will be interesting to see where he goes from here.
Fans of the Super Sons will also be happy! Though a lot of people really disagree with the ageing up of Jon, this issue reintroduces the relationship of the Super Sons and it remains exactly as it was, which is quite comforting. The experiences that Jon and Damian have since gained really adds to that relationship and their wisdom, and though Jon is now older, the age gap remains exactly the same. It’s great to see that this partnership is being explored further and I hope Damian continues to make such an impact on Jon’s confidence.
The artwork by John Timms and Gabe Eltaeb is absolutely gorgeous throughout too, the style perfectly captures the tone of the issue and the series so far and I just really love this pair working together. I’m already a big fan of theirs individually, and together they are a true power house! The artwork has rather cartoonistic moments combined with incredibly realistic atmospheres and backgrounds. In particular the bushfire scenes were so realistic and so harrowing to look at, but also so beautiful. You could really feel the heat radiate from the pages and I feel that Timms and Eltaeb perfectly captured the stakes and scale of those pages.
Superman: Son Of Kal-El #1 is an excellent start to a series that I am already invested in. It has beautiful and emotional moments, and really shows readers exactly the kind of Superman that Jon is going to be. I really can’t wait to see him blossom in this series.
Haven’t picked up Superman: Son Of Kal-El #1 yet? You can get the standard cover by John Timms here (UK), or here (US). Or if you prefer the variant cover by Inhyuk Lee, you can get that here.
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