REVIEW: Superman #18
Superman #18 adds further depth and understanding with regards to Superman and Zatanna’s mission and target for Absolute Power. Whilst it was great to get this context to the events of last weeks Absolute Power #3, it has been released in a rather odd order.
But before we get into the issue itself, let’s take a look at the covers. The standard cover is by Jamal Campbell and perfectly capture the events of the issue. Campbells artwork is just spectacular and the use of light and dark on this cover really captures the eye.

The variant by Al Barrioneuvo is nothing short of spectacular. I love the poses of Superman and Zatanna as they prepare to fight the creatures of the dark, the detail is stunning and the mystical colours really add to the magical element of the story.

The variant by Guillem March is another stunning piece, the detail is simple but truly breathtaking. This piece captures Superman at his best and though it isn’t linked to the contents of the issue, I think it’s my favourite variant of the issue.

There are also variants available by Nicola Scott & Annette Kwok, Scott Forbes and Sweeney Boo.

Superman #18 opens up with Superman and Zatanna meeting with Neron to barter for the Map Of Mordu, the key to stopping Amanda Waller and her plan… or so they believe. During this meeting they find that Neron want’s something in return, but it isn’t their souls that they are interested in, he wants Superman to do something much worse than that and much more dangerous. For anyone else it would be a simple and effortless trade, but for Superman, it’s clear there will be further repercussions along the way and I look forward to seeing how this will play out. Whilst we know what has happened at the Fortress in Absolute Power #3, Lois is now finding out for the first time and this is really the first time we really see her start to worry and panic about her son and her husband. Usually they can take care of themselves, but now she has realised that this is something big, bigger than just them.
Jamal Campbell was made to do artwork featuring magic, his technique and style is just gorgeous as always and I really love his take on this world. His art has a delicate aspect to it despite the hard hitting action showcased in this issue, but it really helps to elevate it. I would absolutely love to see an entire Zatanna series featuring art by him.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again but I have really enjoyed Superman and Zatanna teaming up, its great getting to know her but it’s also great to see and get some insight into their relationship. As someone who isn’t entirely knowledgeable about her, it makes me want to get to know her even more. As the pair press forward for answers, they come across Dr Light after she was attacked and she wants them of a being that protects the bleed between worlds. Nothing prepared me to find out who it was and I am so excited! It’s a fairly new character who has been used rather briefly so far and it’s great to see them get some more limelight. After making a quick but risky escape, Superman and Zatanna find their way out of the darkness and into the midst of reality, and now they have everything they need to take on Waller. If the final page is anything to go by, I am scared… scared for my hero! The teaser at the end of Superman #18 is incredible and once again reinforces just how high the stakes are here.
(9/10) What I will say is impressive about this series so far is the way that each of these separate comic series tie in and expand on the entire Absolute Power story arc so far. Whilst you aren’t required to read all of the tie ins, I actually want to as they really do elaborate on the reasoning behind our heroes and villains decisions. Though as mentioned previously, my only criticism is the order in which they are released.