REVIEW: Action Comics #1077
Action Comics #1077 is here and continues Mark Waid’s story opening out with a welcomed look at the Justice League analysing the situation from Earth and it isn’t looking good.
But before we get into the issue itself, let’s take a look at the covers! The standard cover is by Clayton Henry & Tomeu Morey and captures a different look at the situation, this time from the perspective of those in Metropolis. It’s a great cover that perfectly shows the sadness but also anger of those involved.

The variant by Sebastian Fiumara is incredibly vibrant, so much so that it is actually insanely striking. Seeing a white-shaded Superman among the deep purple hews of The Phantom Zone is just incredible and the detail around it is stunning too!

Meghan Hetrick’s variant is stunning, nothing beats seeing Superman flying around the Earth and this take is so detailed, it is stunning and so realistic! It also features a new look at the Justice League Watchtower which in itself I never tire of seeing.

A.L Kaplan’s variant features a wholesome look and Superman, Jon and Krypto – though it is not necessarily relevant to this issue, it is a welcomed cover. It’s wholesome and gorgeous, the atmospheric skies are just stunning and seeing them sitting atop the Daily Planet globe having some downtime is wonderful to see.

At this point in Action Comics #1077, Superman doesn’t actually know that Earth is facing such turmoil, he only knows what he is facing in The Phantom Zone, but Mon-El is quick to catch him up. During this moment it’s safe to say that Superman is low-key judging Mon-El for his actions, he certainly has changed and the way that he escaped Aethyr’s army’s attack shows that. But with that said the pair make a deal and a strategy to get through this.
Superman takes on Aethyr and the action sequences here are incredible. He throws some big punches and then realises he’s powers are still depleting. In a bid to bide his time to save everyone, he attempts to leave the final blow for Aethyr until he knows his world is safe… but if only it was that easy! I really enjoyed this sequence, it really showed Superman for who he is and what he stands for and that is something I love to see in a Superman comic book.
Meanwhile Conner Kent and Kong Keenan’s adventure comes to an end, though I still cannot for the life of me find the link between these two stories… If this is truly the end of that story it seemed a little pointless though I did enjoy their interactions. Perhaps it was testing the waters for a potential team up comic series and if that is the case, I am absolutely here for it!
The artwork by Clayton Henry, Michael Shelfer and Matt Herms is excellent, the artwork is vibrant and everything you expect to see in a comic book filled with action and such stakes. One of their skills is really showing emotions and that has such an impact in this issue, not to mention the incredible action sequences.
(8/10) Action Comics #1077 is another excellent addition to the current story arc which really heightens the stakes for both Superman in The Phantom Zone and the people of Metropolis. I really cannot wait to see where this story goes from here, though I hope it’s resolution involves Conner Kent and Kong Keenan.