REVIEW: Justice League Unlimited #3
Justice League Unlimited #3 continues the incredible story so far, Mark Waid has knocked it out of the park once again as this mystery continues!
But before we get into the issue itself, let’s take a look at the covers. The standard cover is by Dan Mora and I love everything about it, the composition and how well it links to the issue itself especially. The detail is incredible as always, I particularly love the detail seen on Swamp Thing and the atmosphere itself, Mora continues to show why he is one of the best in the business right now.

The variant by Tyler Kirkham and Arif Prianto and it is glorious, I love the roster of characters included and most specifically their poses and stature. Wonder Woman in particular looks simply regal and that is helped by the incredible detail behind each character. This is exactly what I would expect from a comic book cover.

Riccardo Federici’s variant is nothing short of incredible. As always his artwork just blows me away, they are so incredibly detailed they look photorealistic, if you were ever trying to imagine what these heroes would look like in real life – this is it.

There are also variants available by Simone Di Meo, Nathan Szerdy, Derek Kirk Kim and Guillem March.

The issue opens up with The Question and her pooch, Blue doing a bit of investigating and that investigation brings her to Air Wave, though not for the reasons we or he think! In previous issues he has come across as being rather sinister so it will be interesting to see what his role in the bigger picture will be. This moment sees Air Wave have a little heart to heart with The Question, though we aren’t entirely sure how truthful he is being. But with that said The Question sends him on a mission with the likes of Wonder Woman, Superman and The Flash, among others to stop the Amazon rainforest from burning down.
The League quickly learn that these aren’t normal fires, but instead are fires made from magic as the team struggle to contain them and even find a familiar insignia crested upon the trees. In a bid to find out why this particular team are taking such action, Zatanna casts a few spells to get some answers. Just as the Justice League put together a brand new plan, it quite literally disintegrates right in front of them leaving the league out of sorts and out of ideas.
Mark Waid expertly tells this story, there are lots going on, lots of characters are involved and Waid spares no detail when it comes to bringing them to life. This is a vast team, and Waid really gives each and every character time to shine and that’s something I love about this series – it isn’t just the usual big hitters of the League being sent on assignment. This really gives readers like myself a great introduction to characters we may not have known much about previously.
The artwork is by Dan Mora, with colours by Tamra Bonvillain and letters by Ariana Maher. Whenever I see this creative team working together on a comic title, just know that I will pick it up. The artwork is sublime and similarly to what I said regarding Waid’s writing, bringing such a vast roster of characters to life with art is impressive. The level of detail in every single panel leaves me in awe and especially those pages which see such atmospheric damage.
In this issue we also get to see the links between this and The Atom Project series which is out at the moment, but also the current story arc in Batman/Superman: World’s Finest. As a reader of many comic series, I love having it pay off and really link together as one connected story.
(8.5/10) Justice League Unlimited #3 continues to impress as story arc. It features high paced action with just the right amount of mystery and I feel that Mark Waid is really onto something with this series so far. I’m really enjoying it and look forward to seeing what comes of it and the longer term affects.