REVIEW: Superman: Lost #7
Just when we thought the story was beginning to fall into a predictable format, Superman: Lost #7, "Oblivion" shakes things...
Just when we thought the story was beginning to fall into a predictable format, Superman: Lost #7, "Oblivion" shakes things...
Fire & Ice: Welcome To Smallville #2 sees Bea and Tora’s time in Smallville as less of an adventure and...
Everyone knew Travv was bad news and now Conner makes his all-or-nothing stand against him in Superboy: The Man of...
Action Comics #1057 proudly states on the cover that it’s a return to Super-Family adventures in the sunlight skies of...
After being featured in the Lazarus Planet event earlier this year, followed by a back-up story in Action Comics, and...
Batman/Superman: World's Finest #19 is one of Superman and Batman’s first adventures but also one of their most intense ones...
Superman #6, "The Chained" part one, delves deeper into the mysterious hidden past of Lex Luthor. Picking up after the...
Superman: Lost #6, "Rockets' Red Glare", starts out closing in on the last few years of Superman's accidental exile and...
Fire & Ice: Welcome To Smallville #1 is finally here and it is so great to see these underrated superheroines...
Steelworks #4, "Lockdown" is a fun heist issue that sets high consequences for the outcome of the rest of the...