Covers And Details Released For Lois Lane & Jimmy Olsen Comics
Finally Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen are having their own comic book series this year! Although they are mini-series, it is much better than not getting anything at all! And hey, it could lead to something more permanent depending on how these comics are received. In an article by LA Times, we got an exclusive first look at both of the series, and it has gotten me extremely excited.
First lets talk about Lois! Greg Rucka & Mike Perkins have already been confirmed for the Lois Lane run. Rucka has previously worked on Wonder Woman, so we know Lois is in good hands. Perkins has drawn for Thor, Carnage, Green Lantern and many other titles, and his artwork is just incredible. Here we have some previews of issue #1 which were released by LA Times.
In an interview with LA Times, Greg Rucka and Mike Perkins gave us a little insight as to what we can expect from the Lois Lane series. “She will tap into her legacy as a reporter as she investigates threats and conspiracies in a story that they hope will show “what makes Lois Lane so very remarkable.” We already kind of know what to expect from Lois in this series… she is going to do a lot of investigative work to crack a few cases, she may get herself into trouble, but it’s nothing that she can’t handle. However, Perkins confirmed that there may be Superhero cameos within the series, and perhaps not just Superman.
The pair want to be a sense of ‘real-life’ to the series, which I am all for. Sometimes when reading comics it can seem a little crazy and very much like fantasy, so it is really nice when we get a realistic take on a character and story. I for one cannot wait for this series to be out, it’s about time Lois got thrust into the lime-light!
As well as a preview, two covers have been released. A Standard cover;
And a variant cover, neither artist has been confirmed yet. But if this is anything to go by, we are in for an absolute treat!

Now, onto “Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen”… Writer Matt Fraction and artist Steve Lieber have been confirmed for the Jimmy Olsen run titled “Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen”. In the past Fraction has worked on mostly Marvel titles such as, Fantastic Four, Uncanny X-Men and Hawkeye. Whilst Lieber has previously worked on Batman: Turning Points, The Superior Foes Of Spider-Man and Civil War: Front Line.
The creative team have mentioned that compared to Lois’ series, this one is set to be a lot more light-hearted and fun, which is classic Jimmy. Personally I don’t think I would have wanted to see anything too dark and gritty about the character, because that’s just not him. Again, according to LA Times, the series will be “ridiculous and sublime.”
Here is a preview of what you can expect from the Jimmy series;
The pair were really excited about “the idea of writing someone with a friendship that just happens to be with the Man of Steel”. Although Jimmy has been a character in the Superman legacy for years, it’s very rare he gets to shine and rare that we get to see his take on the world. Superman has been confirmed for the series, but what I’m excited about is that we get to see him in a slightly different way… Fraction explained that “we get to see Superman – not Clark Kent hanging out. It’s safe to say we can expect a lot of fun, a lot of laughs, a lot of clumsiness and ridiculousness, but I am all for it.
Both series for Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen are confirmed to be 12 issues, and are set to launch in July, following the current Superman story-arc that is Levathian Rises. There will be short stories for both series in the Superman: Levathian Rising Special which is due out on 29th May 2019. That will give us a taster of what we can expect from the two series.Some have said, why don’t they have one series for the pair, but the pair are completely different. Different personalities and most importantly different relationships to Superman.
Here is a look at the standard cover for “Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen” by Steve Lieber.