New York Comic Con 2019 – Day 1
Finally, my first New York Comic Con! I had been waiting to attend this one for a long time – years in fact! Here’s what I got up to on the first day – Thursday.
After queuing for a long time in the New York rain, I finally got through the doors to New York Comic Con. I admit, I was soaking wet, and I got in much later than I’d hoped. The doors opened at 10am, but I ended up getting in at around 11.15, but that was okay. It was completely worth the wait.
I had an interview booked in with Michael Northrop at 12.15, so the first place I headed was the DC Comics booth to check out the area. When I got through the doors, this was the first thing I saw – EPIC!

As soon as I saw the press area, I got nervous! It was in front of all of the DC Comics publicity team, and it wasn’t closed off. So anyone who was at the booth or attended the booth could see the interview area – GULP! As soon as I saw that, I went to practice and check that my equipment was working okay, as I didn’t want to come off as unprofessional.
I went back around 15-20 minutes later, and just completely winged it! Luckily my victim (this was my first video interview) was absolutely lovely, and really helped put me at ease. I interviewed Michael Northrop – writer of Dear Justice League. We talked about the response of the book, what made him want to write it, and what we can expect from Dear Super Villains, the sequel. Keep a look out for the full video coming soon!

Once I had done that, I was so proud of myself. I was walking on a high, such a great feeling. It was time to relax (kinda), so I headed to the other side of the DC Booth and took some pictures of what they had to offer.
First up was the Birds Of Prey costumes from the upcoming film. They had Harley Quinn’s costume – worn by Margot Robbie.

The Huntress costume, worn by Mary Elizabeth Winstead:

Black Canary, worn by Jurnee Smollett-Bell:

Renee Montoya, worn by Rosie Perez:

Cassandra Cain, worn by Ella Jay Basco:

The next bit I noticed was this Dceased Superman Action Figure by DC Collectibles, which will be out soon. It is INCREDIBLE and I NEEEED one for myself! Check out the detail.

They also had a black suit Superman, which looks very “Death & Return Of Superman” if you ask me. These are expected to be released around the same time, so next year some time – I’m sure more details will be announced soon.

Because I had brought so many books with me from the UK, I had broken it down slightly so that I take around 8-10 a day. Otherwise my back pack would weigh an absolute tonne! I headed down to Artist Alley next and I was SO impressed with it. It is unlike anything I’ve seen before, I’d say even better than San Diego Comic Con – huge and so many great names!
The first person I found was Doug Mahnke, who did a cover I loved for Action Comics #1000, so I went to get that signed.

I carried on walking through, and a few of the people I wanted to see, weren’t at their booths, so I just went around to scope out where the guests I’d be seeing for the rest of the week would be. Who do I bump into? Quite literally…. Scott Snyder! He was taking photos with fans, so I joined the hype and asked myself. It was great to meet him, he’s a great writer and I’m a fan of what he does.

Then I got to Alex Maleev’s table, and got a few of my comics signed. Whilst I was there he was painting a Batman & Superman piece – it was spectacular! But it cost $1,200 – if only I had the money. He was very nice though. He talked about how different the cover prints sometimes work out compared to the original artwork. Here’s a little info for you… the Event Levathian Superman cover he did turned out much darker than the original. Here are the covers that I got signed:

Then it was time to start queuing for the DC: Meet The Publishers panel, we didn’t actually have to wait that long surprisingly. I got a front row seat, next to some of the greatest in the comic book industry – Jim Lee & Dan Didio! They talked about some upcoming books and what was next for DC Comics. There are some PRETTY INTERESTING stuff coming up in Year Of The Villain! Two huge villains will go head to head until only one prevails! I cannot wait. There are also some pretty cool horror books coming up from DC too.

At the end of the talk we got given a Legion Of Superheroes ring, which is awesome!

As Jim Lee & Dan Didio left they got mobbed by fans, and I was one of them. Unfortunately I didn’t get a picture with Jim Lee, but I did get a photo with Dan Didio – a blurry one at that!

Once that was done, I thought it was time to leave… so we headed towards the exit and ended up at the DC booth once more. Who was signing? Jose Luis Garcia Lopez and Joe Prado – so of course, I joined the queue right away! As I was unprepared, I didn’t get to bring any of the comics I actually wanted to be signed, but they did have sketch cards with them which I took one of.
First up was Jose Luis Garcia Lopez – the living LEGEND! I’m a huge fan of his version of Superman. He was very, very kind, and even did me a little Superman sketch!

And I may have asked for a selfie, which he happily obliged!

Then it was time for Joe Prado – they were sat next to each other. He was very kind too, I also asked for a little Superman sketch and he joked about how bad his Superman would be compared to JLGL… so he went for a Wonder Woman sketch which was awesome!

I also, asked for a selfie, which he too obliged!

There was so many incredible Cosplayers at New York Comic Con too. I’m a little annoyed with myself – I need to start taking their names/social media handles so that I can tag them. Here’s a few I saw:

Wonder Woman:

Batman & Robin 1989:

Batman Who Laughs:

Tomorrow is day 2 at New York Comic Con, I am pooped already, but I cannot wait. Today has been an incredible day, I’ve met some incredible people and I think it will be hard to top it! But I’ll sure try! Keep checking my social media for updates throughout the day!
Great post! I wasn’t able to make it this year, so I’m super bummed. It sounds like you had a blast!