REVIEW: Man Of Tomorrow #6
Man of Tomorrow #6 is here and this series has quickly become one of my most highly anticipated reads each week. Being able to enjoy a solid issue every week with a fulfilling start, middle and end has been totally satisfying. However, it wasn’t long before we received our first two part story-arc which began in the previous issue.
Thanks to the climactic ending featured in the last issue, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the concluding chapter. Due to the weekly release schedule, everything was still so fresh in my mind. If that wasn’t enough, the cover picks up directly on from where we left off.
The cover for Man of Tomorrow #6 is created by Paul Pelletier and feels just like an interior page. A wounded Clark is depicted laying helplessly on the streets of Metropolis in front of the citizen he set out to protect. This cover is truly eye catching thanks to not only Paul Pelletier but colourist Adriano Lucas and inker Drew Hennessy too.

Adriano Lucas has added some really vibrant colours to compliment the blues used for the logo. This truly makes the cover pop. I love the dichotomy between the cold, uncompromising steel of Lexcorps’ city wide weaponry next to the unfiltered plethora of human emotion radiating off of not only the petrified civilian, but a wounded Superman too. The horror captured in the civilian’s eyes is truly palpable.
Remember when I said the cover looked like an interior page, well that’s exactly what it is. The very first page of this issue is identical to that of the cover. I’ve never seen this before but it really worked for me. Hearing dialogue finally spoken by the character on the cover who was seemingly frozen silent in fear at the time is a really nice payoff.
Like with its predecessors, Man of Tomorrow #6 has it all. This issue is full of action as Superman sets out to rid his city of Lexcorps’ ‘anti-supervillain measures’ once and for all. This is due to the fact that they are now targeting the slightest of indiscretions with extreme prejudice.
The destruction that ensues is a total spectacle. Every page is lit up with blockbuster action any special effects company would be proud of. The colours created once again by Adriano Lucas make every panel pop. The use of ‘Kirby Krackle’ to represent energy looks amazing and adds to its ferocity.
There is a real legitimacy behind the threat in this issue. Of course Superman is an all powerful being capable of repelling any number of attacks, but this is Lex Luthor after all. That name alone raises the stakes. This is very much represented in his arsenal however sincere he makes it out to be. Superman is in real danger and that feeling is tangible especially when the citizens of Metropolis witness their champion in peril.
For all the action and destruction depicted in this issue, it’s the courage shown by the citizens of Metropolis that made me emotional. It had to be Perry to rally the city, to rally the citizens of Metropolis for a singular purpose – to protect Superman, one of their own. Seeing regular men and women taking up arms and risking their lives for Superman was breathtaking. I had tears in my eyes reading these very pages.
I absolutely adored Man of Tomorrow #6. It certainly made me emotional. This issue is all about Metropolis and her connection with Superman. The issue beautifully explores what Superman means to Metropolis and the lengths her citizens will go to protect one of their own. The dialogue created by Robert Venditti is so uplifting and motivational. Perry’s call to arms was just breathtaking. Truly inspiring to say the least.
Once again artist Paul Pelletier has created a masterpiece. This artist truly understands just what it takes to make a well balanced Superman comic that features every element you could possibly need. Pelletier’s collaboration with inker Drew Hennessy and colourist Adriano Lucas is perfect. Every page is a true feast for the senses.
Haven’t read Man Of Tomorrow #6 yet? You can read it digitally directly from the Read DC website. Or via the Comixology website.