Man Of Tomorrow #16 is here and well, I’ll be honest. This issue of Man Of Tomorrow came as a complete surprise! After a few weeks without the series, I thought it was done and dusted, but I was wrong. This series is back with a brand new creative team and another fantastic issue.

Before we go into that, let’s take a look at the cover. I personally love this cover, it’s really simple and is used as a pivotal moment within the issue. Just like the interior artwork the penciling by Scott Kolins seems sketched, but I love that and I feel it really adds to the cover. As does the incredibly vibrant colouring by Luis Guerrero, which tints Superman in a god-like glow.

New Issue of “Superman: Man of Tomorrow” Digital First Comic Released –  Superman Homepage
Photo Credit: DC Entertainment

Superman, like many of us, is troubled by restless nights and it’s time for him to find out why as he faces one of his most iconic and brutal villains yet again. This issue really delves into the thoughts and the mindset of Superman. Many see him as a beacon of hope (myself included), so we assume that he is confident and always mindfully present. But in reality he doubts himself, he worries and he cares. Personally I love those features about him, its what makes him so human despite him being from another planet. So whenever a writer taps into those qualities, we know we are in for a treat.

That’s exactly what writer Kenny Porter does with this issue, and adds perseverance to those qualities, another one that I love. Like I said there is a reason for Superman’s restless nights, and it quickly becomes clear that this villain and his motherbox is feeding off of and is manifesting Superman’s hope. Now we know he is a beacon of hope, so we know he has tonnes of it, but with that said it is a really interesting concept to explore – what if Superman had no hope? No strength to carry on?

In this issue Superman is really pushed to his limits, with the villain playing on some of his ultimate fears. There are real moments where we as the reader and fans of the character really believe that he’s done for, and for a character so powerful that is sometimes hard to do. Not only that but this issue really shows how relentless, tactful and selfless Superman is. It is a great rendition of the character and it’s clear that Kenny Porter knows exactly what he is doing with the characters. It is full of hope and inspiration, and that is exactly what the world needs right now.

Personally one of my favourite moments of this issue is the final page. In fact, I adore it. Superman is a character that has all of this power, all of these incredible abilities and other-worldly strength (literally), yet his happy place is his apartment in Metropolis in the presence and support of his wife. Lois Lane. To me, this is another factor of Superman that really makes him human and therefore more relatable.

I will say though, it seems like we are thrown straight into an action packed sequence though. I think that is because the series has jumped and although it is within the same series, this is a completely new story-line and like I said creative team. With that said it is an action packed issue, and a really fantastic one at that, but I think the story could have had a few extra issues to really set the pace.

It’s safe to say that the artwork in this issue is different to what we have seen in the previous issues of this series, but awesome at that. Like I mentioned before, the line art and inking really seems sketched and sometimes rough in places, but I really like that and it certainly works well with this issue. This notorious villain looks incredibly ominous in this issue I have to say.

There are panels and art with less detail and panels packed full of detail, but the placing of it is really effective within the issue. Artist Scott Kolins has us focusing on exactly what he wants us to, and with the addition of the incredibly vibrant colours by Luis Guerrero, the pair really set the scenes. There’s something about the colours by Guerrero that have a real classic feel to it, like the comics from the 80’s or 90’s. Perhaps that is just me, but I really love it.

Just like the rest of the issues in this series, this feels like a bit of a love letter to Superman and his incredibly wholesome traits. I’m glad to see another issue of this series, even if it is with a different creative team. Although this story has ended with one issue, I would love to see this team deliver another issue for the series.

Haven’t read Man Of Tomorrow #16 yet? You can purchase it digitally via the Read DC website. Or if you prefer to use Comixology, you can get the issue here (UK), or here (US).

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