DC Comics Announce ‘DC FUTURE STATE’


DC has just announced FUTURE STATE and well it’s safe to say that this is HUGE news. It’s a two month line-wide event that is set to begin in January 2021. This event will be a mix of monthly and twice monthly over-sized anthologies, as well as a monthly mini-series and one-shots.

Photo Credit: DC Entertainment

Here is the official ‘blurb’ from DC Comics:

DC Future State spotlights the World’s Greatest Super Heroes in fresh new roles, with all-new characters taking up their iconic mantles. DC Future State features an incredible array of creative talent, combining award-winning writers and artists with new voices from the worlds of TV, movies and animation. In March 2021, the regular DC title lineup resumes, continuing existing story lines from 2020 and introducing new arcs for the year.
In DC Future State, the Multiverse has been saved from the brink of destruction, but the triumph of DC’s heroes has shaken loose the very fabric of time and space! The final chapter of Dark Nights: Death Metal (on sale January 5, 2021)  brings new life to DC’s Multiverse, kicking off this glimpse into the unwritten worlds of DC’s future!
“The DC Universe has always been fertile ground for new and refreshing takes on our characters, and DC Future State definitely contributes to this legacy,” said DC Executive Editor Marie Javins. “When the event begins in January, some savvy readers will not only pick up on some of the breadcrumbs that have already been tossed out in our current titles, but they will also find new hints and clues of what’s to come in 2021.”

The most exciting part of this is that there is plenty of Superman Family content to come out of this, which includes brand new story lines, new mini-series and new one-shots!

Here’s a list of comic issues, one-shots and mini-series’ that we can expect to come out of this event which involve Superman.

First up we have the Oversized Comics:

  • Future State: Superman of Metropolis #1-2
    • Superman of Metropolis, by Sean Lewis and John Timms
    • The Guardian, by Sean Lewis and Cully Hamner
    • Mister Miracle, by Brandon Easton and Valentine De Landro
  • Future State: Superman: Worlds of War #1-4
    • Superman: Worlds of War, by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Mikel Janin
    • Midnighter, by Becky Cloonan, Michael W. Conrad and Gleb Melnikov
    • Black Racer, by Jeremy Adams and Siya Oum
    • Mister Miracle, by Brandon Easton and Valentine De Landro
  • Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman #1-2
    • Immortal Wonder Woman, by Becky Cloonan, Michael W. Conrad and Jen Bartel
    • Nubia, by L.L. McKinney, Alitha E. Martinez and Mark Morales

Then of course the monthly Mini-series and One-Shots

  • Future State: House of El, by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Scott Godlewski (one-shot on sale February)
  • Future State: Kara Zor-El, Superwoman, by Marguerite Bennett and Marguerite Sauvage
  • Future State: Legion of Super-Heroes, by Brian Michael Bendis and Riley Rossmo
  • Future State: Superman/Wonder Woman, by Dan Watters and Leila del Duca
  • Future State: Superman vs. Imperious Lex, by Mark Russell and Steve Pugh (3-issue series ending March 2021)
  • Future State: Wonder Woman, by Joëlle Jones

It’s safe to say that a lot of things are going to change. I am very excited to hear more about this huge comic book event in the coming weeks. There are some really incredible creators working on these books, and I can’t wait to see what they do with Superman and his family.

To find out more about ‘DC FUTURE STATE’, how it affects the rest of the DC Universe and also to read more about what is set to happen with regards to The Superman Family, check out the DC Comics website.

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