REVIEW: Action Comics #1028
Action Comics #1028 is finally here and Brian Michael Bendis’ acclaimed run on Action Comics has come to a conclusion with this very issue.
This is very much represented on the main cover created by interior artist John Romita Jr as the Superman family hovers heroically above the streets of Metropolis. The Daily Planet globe looms large and proud in the background. I love how The Daily Planet staff stand as one with the House of El. This very much ties in with Superman revealing himself as Clark Kent and his desire to be seen as one of the people. Brad Anderson’s colours do a wonderful job of illuminating our characters, bathing them in the warm glow of The Daily Planet Globe.

The variant cover is created by artist Rafael Grampa who has created a stunning pin up piece with Superman centre stage. I simply adore how Superman’s cape billows around him forming an ‘S’ symbol. The detail in the cape is simply stunning. On closer inspection, I really do appreciate the added detail Rafael has included into Superman’s suit. It gives it a real futuristic feel that I simply adore.

Action Comics #1028 is a very compartmentalized issue that addresses any and all immediate loose ends. The issue starts off at The Daily Planet building with Jimmy Olsen disclosing the fact that he now owns it. This is a wonderful payoff for readers who checked out Superman’ Pal Jimmy Olsen written earlier in the year by Matt Fraction and Steve Lieber. Jimmy’s dialogue towards Perry White is very charming. The pairs unique relationship is captured perfectly in this issue considering the newly created status quo.
As the issue progresses we find ourselves alongside the Superman family at the Hall of Justice as the smartest minds The League has to offer discuss Conner and a newly diagnosed concern with his power set. Seeing The League rally around one of their own is truly inspiring. The high regard in which Superman’s peers hold him in is testament to his importance to the DC Universe and his status as a symbol of hope. The way Conner is embraced by veterans such as Mr Terrific and The Atom really took me back to my days when I first discovered DC Comics and to titles like Identity Crisis where characters would appear from all over the DC Universe united by a common cause.
No finale issue of Superman or Action Comics would be complete without a visit to Kansas and this issue is certainly no exception. John Romita Jr’s artwork alongside Brad Anderson’s incredibly warming colours really do add to the nostalgia. Seeing Conner reunited with The Kent’s after so long honestly left a lump in my throat. This whole sequence is what I’ve been waiting for. Seeing Conner bathed in the setting sun of Smallville surrounded by loved ones is a real payoff for long term fans. Bendis has certainly delivered a satisfying conclusion for Conner.
The issue comes to a conclusion with Jonathan and Clark going back to basics and simply helping where they are needed. This is the perfect way to close out an issue or run in my opinion. Helping is Superman’s core belief and to see this philosophy flourishing in his son is heartwarming. The acts of kindness depicted really do bring Superman and Jonathan back to Earth and among the people. Seeing Jonathan and Clark grabbing street food with Bruce and Damien filled me with all kinds of joy.
Action Comics #1028 a perfect conclusion to Bendis’ run on this legendary title. Dialogue and character exchanges are at the very heart of this issue. Clark’s interaction with his son and certainly Conner is filled with optimism and hope for a better tomorrow. Peppered throughout the issue, Perry White delivers quintessential dialogue that energizes and sets the stage for the coming era for both The Daily Planet and The Man Of Steel.
John Romita Jr’s artwork really is on another level within the pages of Action Comics #1028. The scenes depicted in Smallville are some of the most gorgeous I’ve seen. Brad Anderson’s colours are so warming and full of nostalgia as the setting sun gently caresses our beloved characters. Our heroes feats of strength and abilities look magnificent as John Romita Jr has created a plethora of dynamic page layouts for our heroes to express themselves in.
Action Comics #1028 is a fine conclusion to an acclaimed run that has seen The Man Of Steel truly tested by a number of foes. From Leviathan to The Legion of Doom, Superman has faced the odds with his head held high. I for one cannot wait to see what comes next within the pages of Action Comics.
Haven’t picked up your copy of Action Comics #1028 yet? You can get the standard cover by John Romita Jr here (UK), or here (US). Or if you prefer the variant cover by Rafael Grampa, you can get that here.
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Great review. I liked this one loads too. The only thing that could have made it better would have been for Jon to spend some quality time with Lois, he’s a time traveller, he could spend a day or two longer in the present.