REVIEW: Superman & Lois S1 Ep 5: The Best Of Smallville
Superman & Lois S1, Ep 5 goes a long way to build a bond between Clark and his son Jonathan, as well as showcase the bond that Clark has with his hometown, Smallville. This episode edged towards a few answers with regards to Morgan Edge and Lex Luthor, and it’s safe to say it has left me wanting more! Do I really now have to wait until May to see more?!
Superman & Lois S1 Ep 5 continues to impress as we delve further into the mysteries surrounding Smallville and it’s inhabitants. Each week I find myself looking forward to the next episode, and each time the wait is completely worth it.
“The Best Of Smallville” goes a long way to explore the idea that Superman isn’t who he is just because of his powers, as he showcases what good he can do as a ‘regular’ person at The Smallville Harvest Festival. I really love this notion when it comes to Superman, because he really is more than his powers, so it’s great to see that explored once again. It’s also great to see The Harvest Festival being portrayed once again, it’s something that we occasionally see in the pages of comics and the odd TV episode and I just love how excited Clark is about it. Tyler’s portrayal of that is perfect and really shows how much this community and background has shaped who he is as a person.
Once again we get our fair share of teenage drama when it comes to Jonathan and Jordan, as Jonathan fails to see the benefits of moving to Smallville. I have to say it’s great to see him finally have his say instead of suppressing those feelings, and whilst it makes it difficult on The Kent Family, it really allows Clark some time to reminisce. Not only that but also notice the similarities between him and Jonathan even though he seemingly has not inherited his powers… yet.
I really loved the way this was done too, showcasing a young Clark in exactly the same spots which acted as flashbacks exploring the adventures of Superboy through the years. Though I feel this is a rather different take on Superboy as we know him, and it really reminds me of the origin story found in ‘Man And Superman’ by Marv Wolfman, a story which I adored. I really hope we get to see more of these flashbacks throughout the series, it really helps to replace the fact that both Martha and Jonathan Kent (his father) have both sadly passed.

I do feel though that the series could have been titled something different, not that I’m complaining but it really feels like it focuses around Clark Kent more than it does Superman. It seems Superman makes the odd cameo in the each episode yet the story and series itself focuses a lot of Clark and his family, which I love, but it does seem a little deceiving.
Superman & Lois S1, Ep 5 also shines another light on Lois Lane and her exploits, and I love that this show really is giving us an equal measure of the two characters. It was particularly fun to see Lois and Lex Luthor meet up as we find out some very interesting details about their relationship on this other world we keep getting glimpses of. I truly hope we get to see and find out more of these details, I’m a sucker for an elseworld story!

Keeping on the theme of the villains in the show, there seems to be another Kryptonian clone on the loose as the mystery behind Morgan Edge really progresses in this episode. But just how many are there?! It’s a very interesting notion as most of the time we are used to seeing Superman take on villains with a completely different power set, so this really evens the playing field up! I also loved the whole sequence focused around Christie being a snooping reporter, it’s great to see people look up to Lois, because I do too! These moments also gave me a brand new saying which I’ll use in daily life… ‘WWLLD’ – what would Lois Lane do?
Once again in this Superman & Lois S1 Ep 5, it seems that the effects are minimal yet again, but that’s down to where the story focuses itself. Though what we do see is still fantastic, I really am blown away by what we have seen so far in terms of effects, the set, props, costumes and everything else in between. I also feel the decision to not overdo it when it comes to those effects is a great one, it really allows the show to be real and authentic and not totally out of this world.
Superman & Lois S1, Ep 5 goes a long way to build a bond between Clark and his son Jonathan, as well as showcase the bond that Clark has with his hometown, Smallville. This episode edged towards a few answers with regards to Morgan Edge and Lex Luthor, and it’s safe to say it has left me wanting more! Do I really now have to wait until May to see more?!