REVIEW: World Of Krypton #4


World Of Krypton #4 is a great continuation of the series. It’s action packed, exciting and though we know the overall outcome of Krypton, you can’t help but have hope for them after reading this issue. I’m excited to see where it goes from here.

World Of Krypton #4 is here and this series so far has been a fresh take on the history of Krypton. Venditti has done a great job so far and with each issue, I look forward to learning the secrets and mythology behind Krypton.

But before we get into the issue itself, let’s take a look at the covers. The standard cover is by Mico Suayan and I adore it. This has a real old school sci-fi feel to it, which is the same kind of vibe I get for the series itself. This artwork is stunning and striking. I love the vibrancy of the colours and seeing the symbol of The House Of El among flames is just so powerful and effective.

Photo Credit: DC Entertainment

The variant cover is by Aud Koch and it is incredible. I really love the technique used, it seems simplistic but is full of detail. The white background is stunning against the harsh dark colours and flames. I love the way Koch has shown the reflection of the flames in the suit that General Zod wears. This is a brilliant cover and I hope to see more of his work on such characters.

Photo Credit: DC Entertainment

World Of Krypton #4 picks up right where we left off as Jor-El and General Dru-Zod discuss a plan to save Krypton. There are two very good arguments either side here, as is usual when discussing the destruction of the planet, and that is what really shows the traits and two sides of the people of Krypton based on the way that they wish to treat it’s people in order to take action.

This debate becomes quickly heated as Dru-Zod loses his temper and patience with Jor-El and the pair throw hands. Seeing the pair fight like this always takes me back to the sequence in Man Of Steel, and this was just as exciting. Two power-houses of Krypton in one-on-one combat, fighting for what they believe to be right was epic and the artwork by Michael Avon Oeming really portrayed that perfectly. Not to mention that huge blow that Lara lands on Zod as she stands by her husband, that was a truly epic moment! I’ve never read comic book pages so quickly!

We then jump to the moment General Dru-Zod exercises his plan and explains it to the people of Krypton via a news conference. Seeing the faces of Kara and her parents as they realise what he is asking of them is palpable, this is a frightening time for them and the people of Krypton, and it’s clear that the stakes are extremely high. After hearing of this plan, Zor-El again commits to finding a safer way for the people of Krypton, but most importantly his daughter. This moment was so emotional and I can’t help but think that writer Robert Venditti, put some of his own emotion as a father into this. As a parent myself it’s all you’d think about in a situation like this and though you know the overall outcome of Krypton, you find yourself having hope for them.

With regards to the artwork by Michael Avon Oeming and Nick Filardi, it is excellent in this issue. The art in this series is usually rather cartoonistic with vibrant colours and dramatic outlines, which I love, but there are many moments in this issue that are full of intricacies, especially the splash pages showing the planet of Krypton. I also want to mention the design of Dru-Zod’s suit as he sets his plan into action, it’s great, and I love the detail of the belt – it looks like the teeth of a Great White Shark and with the amount of chains that he wears around his neck he really resembles Mr T in parts.

World Of Krypton #4 is a great continuation of the series. It’s action packed, exciting and though we know the overall outcome of Krypton, you can’t help but have hope for them after reading this issue. I’m excited to see where it goes from here.

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