REVIEW: Superman & Lois S2 Ep 6: Tried & True
The episode explores this beautifully with the characters and their respective situations. Bizarro’s origin and purpose are revealed as a precursor to the Parasite’s masterplan which will more than likely be the focal point of the next episodes concluding the season.
Superman & Lois S2 Ep 6 puts the pursuit of the Parasite Ally Alston on hold, while looking at the human aspects of what has been happening.
While Alston’s main plans are revealed and Bizarro’s origin is revealed, the theme of trust is explored on all fronts. Save for a moment when Clark stops an avalanche, super-heroics are only supporting in this episode. Please note this review contains heavy spoilers.
‘Tried and True’ opens with a moment of inverse foreshadowing set to the Ween song of the same name. Bizarro (Tyler Hoechlin) fights his way through his world’s authorities before retreating to his own farm. There is no Bizarro Lois or Kent family waiting for him. Since everything is inverse of his world, one can assume he is estranged from them rather than their patriarch. The Doomsday-Esque suit is revealed to be an interdimensional travel suit and how he got to Earth in the first place.
In the present, captured by Clark (Tyler Hoechlin), he reveals that Ally and her inverse self intend to use the pendants that have been the focal point of the episodes to become one, which can seriously compromise existence when two dimensions come together. Bizarro reveals his mission of killing Ally, but Clark being Clark knows that there is a better way. But Bizarro insists that he will have to make the hard decision when the time comes.

This comic book conflict is put on pause as we explore stories about trust through the main characters in the wake of recent events, this is a drama series after all. Superman is put on the spot by General Anderson (Ian Bohen) for keeping Bizarro out of United States custody due to the fact the inverse Superman has killed two of his Supermen of America soldiers in his rampage. Here, the trust between Superman and the government is questioned. The funeral scene of the soldiers highlights the weight their death carries especially with their families as Anderson has nothing to show for it. The paranoia that Superman is holding out on him for no good reason leads Anderson and the government to arrest Superman for treason at the end of the episode in a red sun prison. The scene with Superman fighting off Anderson’s unit under red sunlight mirrors Bizarro’s own escape fight from the beginning, however, Clark wasn’t escaping but being captured.
Meanwhile, we finally get to hear back from Lucy (Jenna Dewan) thanks to Sam (Dylan Walsh) bringing the Lanes together in an attempt for them to reconcile. I’ve read several stories about Sam Lane, but this one is one of the more wholesome ones. Even though he keeps secrets from Clark, he loves his daughters and wants them to trust each other again. Lois (Elizabeth Tulloch) and Lucy had a falling out over Ally and Lucy joining the Inverse Method. This was all mentioned two episodes ago and is finally being touched upon again. They make some real progress with Lucy connecting with the Kents again and going to Jon’s football game. In the end, Lois is unable to pull her sister from Ally’s influence. Trust also proves hard to come by for them as well.

Jordan (Alex Garfin) continues to keep Jon’s (Jordan Elsass) newly developed powers a secret while jumping at the new level of brotherhood they know to share. But it isn’t too long before he discovers that Jon has been taking that blend of Kryptonite that results in powers. The player that Jon replaced for the game was revealed to be caught with it as well. The last thing anyone wants is a high school of flying, super-strong students and even though Jordan keeps this a secret, a wedge is driven between them.
But the main arch of the episode goes to Lana (Emmanuelle Chriqui) and Sarah (Inde Navarrette) as they navigate the emotions of Kyle’s (Erik Valdez) affair with bartender Tonya (Cynthia Mendez) coming to light at Sarah’s quinceañera. The big question is can Lana forgive him after such a breach of trust? She goes around and talks to Clark and Tonya. Her conversation with Clark is a powerful one where she reflects on how she can stay living the life she is with the family she tried made her goal to hold together seemingly falling apart and questioning what he would do if Lois had done the same to him. Clark reflects that trust will always be required to make anything work regardless. Then, Tonya reveals to Lana that Kyle stopped seeing after Sarah’s accident in season one. Lana couldn’t help but think would Kyle do the same if that was her. She sees him twice throughout the episode, both of which he asks for forgiveness. In the end, Lana isn’t able to bring herself to forgive him and makes him move out – thus opening a chapter in her life she’d never thought she’d be in. Sarah also has to process the uncertainty and Jordan is able to provide her with some support, it’s a little ironic since she had once betrayed his trust in a previous episode.

Trust is a tough commodity this week in Smallville and it seems to be fleeting. But with a juxtaposition next to a symbol like Superman, there’s always a feeling of hope that it will be restored even if it isn’t obvious at first. The episode explores this beautifully with the characters and their respective situations. Bizarro’s origin and purpose are revealed as a precursor to the Parasite’s masterplan which will more than likely be the focal point of the next episodes concluding the season.
Bizarro World and our own will converge in what will surely be a confrontation for the Arrowverse history books. But it’s episodes like these that make the Arrowverse so unique as family and community themes are explored. Lana’s scenes in this episode are the best in that regard. It would have been nice to see Ally confessing her plan or at least her in a scene, but I’m sure that is all saved for the semi-final and final episodes coming up.
Haven’t watched Superman & Lois S2 Ep 6: Tried & True yet? You can watch it for free NOW via The CW website.