REVIEW: My Adventures With Superman S2, Ep 8, “The Death Of Clark Kent”
My Adventures With Superman, S2, Episode 8, “The Death Of Clark Kent” is another excellent addition to the series and I know I say this every week, but this series is one of the best pieces of Superman media to date and I don’t say that lightly.
The episode opens out where we left off as Brainiac continues to explain his plan to Superman. The plan involves taking over his body to conquer Earth and bring back New Krypton. Whilst I am loving the series and the story so far, it is a little odd to me as I am too used to hearing that kind of propaganda from General Zod rather than Brainiac.
We then cut to the moment where Kara comes face to face with Jimmy and Lois and there are some really sweet moments between Kara and Jimmy and it’s quite the contrast to Lois’ reaction to her. I have to say it’s nice to have some romance between others and not just Lois and Clark, and I LOVE the awkwardness of it all, it feels much more real. Here, Lois starts to understand why Jimmy has been sticking up for Kara so much, not only because he has a crush, but she really isn’t as evil as Lois first thought as Kara comes to them for help. With Kara having such a vast knowledge of her ‘father’, his ship and his ways, this gives them a pretty good chance at saving Clark.

Clark is being tormented as Brainiac tries to find his weakness so that he can succeed in killing him. Clark is being relentlessly put through numerous tests against his past foes, and this gives us some great action sequences and some excellent Superman moments, despite his pain and torment. Even when he is being brutally tested like this, his ways and intentions still remain the same.
However, there is one common theme around all of these fights, how he manages to muster that last bit of energy or power to overcome the villain. Brainiac manages to put two and two together after noticing another commonality in these moments – Lois and Jimmy and their acceptance. One thing I love is that we aren’t just cutting to the Kryptonite at this point, we are digging even deeper. Personally I feel it gets thrown around a lot in Superman stories, so this is quite refreshing. With Brainiac twisting Clark’s memories, he starts to get confused and starts to struggle to understand which is the truth.

We also get a great sequence and exchange between Kara and Brainiac as she confronts him about what she saw on the extinct planets that she and Clark visited. She comes to realise just how much he is or was manipulating her and comes to realise what damage she has done or at least been forced to do. Here we see Clark attack Brainiac’s mind and Kara attacking the body and whilst they weren’t acting together, it was great to see them work together in a way, but sadly their efforts are too late.
This moment gives Kara her time to shine, showing us just how similar she and Clark are in terms of her humanity, as she goes head to head with her newly ‘upgraded’ father, whilst ensuring both Lois and Jimmy are safe and protected. As things get tough, Jimmy comes to her aid and Brainiac manages to get his hands on something else that is extremely powerful and the trio have no choice but to regroup and come up with a new plan.
My Adventures With Superman, S2, Episode 8, “The Death Of Clark Kent” was another fantastic addition to the series. Though this episode was rather harrowing in places (especially for Clark and Kara), the story and the way it has been executed has me on tenterhooks and I cannot wait to see the next episode.
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