REVIEW: Earth Prime Superman & Lois #2
Earth Prime Superman & Lois #2 is a great continuation of the TV Series, whilst I adore it this issue really hones in on some of the things the series is lacking – the past and Pa Kent. This issue is full of homages to numerous classic Superman ropes and characters and it’s great to see them established in the CW Arrowverse.
The Earth Prime series continues, this week with Superman & Lois! This series is acting as an exploration and in some cases a prequel to the extremely popular CW Arrowverse shows. I personally think it’s a great idea, not only to we get to hear more stories and exploits of the characters, but it also acts as an opportunity to get people that enjoy those series’ into comics.
Before we get into Earth Prime Superman & Lois #2, let’s take a look at the covers. The standard cover is by Kim Jacinto and I absolutely adore it. I love the romantic colour palette to it, it really helps us establish the relationship between the two. Though we are used to seeing these characters in live action in the TV show, it’s great to see this rather cartoonistic take on them. The detail is gorgeous.

Earth Prime: Superman & Lois #2 is split into two stories. The stories are written by Jai Jamison, Adam Mallinger and Andrew N. Wong, with Tom Grummett on pencils, Norm Rapmund on inks and Hi-Fi on colours.
The first story recites the reasoning as to why Clark and Lois celebrate their anniversary four days late. First of all it is great to see some flashbacks of the pairs relationships and exploits with legendary characters, I feel like that is what the TV series is somewhat lacking. Whilst I’m enjoying the show itself, I am a sucker for the classic villains of the Superman universe.
It also showcases some of the downsides to being married to Superman, whilst he is doing the world good, it’s very easy to forgot emotional effect that this may have on those around him, especially Lois. Though of course she is very understanding and isn’t always the victim in this situation. Whilst Superman is a literal superhero saving lives physically, Lois is also a very busy woman who has a huge impact on the city, I love that this issue touched upon that. Working women for the win!
We also see how understanding, dedicated and supportive the pair are, not only for their relationship but also their careers. I really love how this issue focused on their relationship as Clark and Lois rather than the action behind their careers as reporters and also as Superman.
As this is a continuation to the Superman & Lois TV series, I would have liked to have seen more likeness in terms of the characters. Whilst the artwork is still fantastic, you sometimes forget about the actors they are supposed to portray. With that said the artwork is great, I particularly love the action sequences between Lois and Superman, they are a sight to behold. The artwork is full of detail and the cameos we see in the issue are clearly recognisable. The colours are realistic yet vibrant at the right times which is mostly during the action sequences. The final page of the first story within the issue is nothing short of gorgeous.
The second story starts with another thing that is lacking in the TV show… Pa Kent! It’s a short and very sweet story showcasing the impact that Pa Kent had on Clark as a father, as a person, but also as Superman. With that we also get an origin story to the Superman of John Henry Iron’s AKA Steel’s world. It’s great to finally get to know more about him and what he went through and I cannot wait to see more of this story.
Earth Prime Superman & Lois #2 is a great continuation of the TV Series, whilst I adore it this issue really hones in on some of the things the series is lacking – the past and Pa Kent. This issue is full of homages to numerous classic Superman tropes and characters and it’s great to see them established in the CW Arrowverse.