REVIEW: Superman: Son Of Kal-El #15
Brandishing a few unexpected twists and turns, Tom Taylor delivers a satisfying conclusion while opening new elements to explore in later stories. Although it’s cliche to say it, the events of this issue will have everlasting effects on Jon Kent’s life.
Superman: Son of Kal-El #15, “Siege of Gamorra: Part 2” has reached it’s finale. Brandishing a few unexpected twists and turns, Tom Taylor delivers a satisfying conclusion while opening new elements to explore in later stories. Although it’s cliche to say it, the events of this issue will have everlasting effects on Jon Kent’s life.
The standard cover by Travis Moore & Tamra Bonvillian is a take on the team versus team trope with Superman and The Truth on the left vs. Bendix and his Rising on the right. Being the finale of this arc, it’s quite fitting to have a cover depicting a fight of this scope. Everything comes down to this and Moore & Bonvillians’s art captures that feeling masterfully.

David Talaski’s variant depicts Jon with a reassuring smile as he looks at us while taking flight. It’s a pose we’ve seen Superman in many times as he conveys the hope he imbodies. The expertly placed rainbow is well painted and adds a layer of symbolized peace and pride.

Pamela Hoogeboom does a great variant with Krypto and Streaky. The use of color on the neon signs is absolutely incredible and affectively lights up the night time setting. As a lover of the animals in the El family, I find this cover irresistibly adorable.

Cian Tormey along with Scott Hanna, Federico Blee, and Matt Herms are responsible for the spectacular interior art. There are many scenes with groups of background characters and no detail is spared in their inclusion. The depictions of Jon’s powers are easily recognisable as he uses every one he possesses in this final confrontation. With the story unfolding on multiple fronts, this art team does an excellent job keeping up and not loosing us along the way.
Tom Taylor never ceases to throw perfect curve balls into a story, even when you should now be expecting them. Superman: Son of Kal-El #15 is no exception as the fate of Henry Bendix feels like a bold move. The last year of comics have lead us to this issue and is filled with everything that has made this series so enjoyable.
Jon’s inner thoughts as he wrestles with self-doubt while still doing what he feels is right has been a central theme throughout and turns into a voice of self reassurance with this issue. Once seen as someone who was several steps ahead, Bendix’s actions become more desperate as Superman and The Truth expose his tyranny.
Although I was never sure if Jay was genuine in his feelings for Jon or just using him as a means to an end (or possibly something more nefarious), their relationship reaches a level of stability by the end of this book. Whether Jon and Jay can remain a couple for a while or not, I’d be disappointed now if Jay ended up only manipulating Jon for his own gains.
Few comic events have the long lasting outcome a story will boast in order to push a character to new directions and levels of exploration, but Superman: Son of Kal-El #15 has the potential to do just that.