Mark Millar Confirmed To Write Upcoming Superman Story


Mark Millar is known for his incredible writing, he has already written several Superman stories, one in particular being one of the most iconic and well known Superman stories to date – Superman: Red Son.

Mark Millar is known for his incredible writing, he has already written several Superman stories, one in particular being one of the most iconic and well known Superman stories to date – Superman: Red Son.

Well, now Mark Millar and Superman fans have something else to look forward to… a brand new Superman story. Earlier this week on Twitter, Mark expressed his interest in writing the character again and stated that he had a notebook filled with ideas that he has been working with for quite a while. Now I don’t know about you but I would LOVE to get my hands on that notebook.

With that bombshell, tonnes of fans expressed their interest in his return (myself included) and it looks like we may just get our wish! That very same day Millar then went on to tweet that DC Comics had contacted him and that it is 100% confirmed when schedules align. 

Millar has tonnes of stuff going on right now with new comic releases, Netflix deals, etc and I’m sure DC will have the next year or so planned for comic releases. With that in mind, Millar stated that he expects schedules will align in a year or two and teased that his return to writing Superman will be big. 

I am a huge Superman fan and a huge Mark Millar fan and I cannot wait to see what tricks he has up his sleeve for the character! 

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