REVIEW: Power Girl #2
Power Girl #2 continues to re-establish Power Girl and her alter ego Paige Stetler into the DC Universe as well as her standing within the Superman family. I have a strong feeling that this series is going to be the one to solidify her renaissance within the DC Universe for years to come. Power Girl #2 is brought to you by Leah Williams, Eduardo Pansica, Julio Ferreira and Romulo Fajardo Jr.
The main cover is created by Gary Frank and Brad Anderson, legendary creators who’s name recognition alone garners massive interest and attention. Perfect for a character such as this who has been away from the spotlight for some time. This cover depicts an enraged Power Girl taking on the villainous Amalak. Gary Frank’s facial expressions really do speak for themselves, she looks ferocious. Her eyes convey pure emotion and the tension created by the pairs movement is almost tangible. You can only imagine the damage these two will cause once they unleash their power.

Jee Hyung Lee’s variant sees our hero revert back to her original costume as she floats high above earth’s atmosphere. This is a wonderful pin-up piece, a tribute if you will to a character who is deeply intrenched in DC lore. This is a recurring motif that has been affiliated with the Superman family for years. Power Girl absolutely deserves the same kind of recognition considering the fact that the character hasn’t always been given her due.

Power Girl #2 gets to work straight away in expanding Paige’s world and exploring her recently established relationships. This includes her boss at the Daily Planet, none other than Lois Lane. These burgeoning relationships are absolutely fascinating. I can’t wait to further explore the dynamics between Lois and Paige. Lois being the bridge between Paige and the Superman family is subtle enough to keep this series distinct and independent from the other Superman family titles.
Paige’s relationship with Daily Planet intern Mariposa Lujan is so intriguing to me. Two women at very different stages of their lives, both starting a new chapter. The possibility for these two ladies to learn from each other and grow is endless. This will hopefully lead to some intriguing encounters down the line.
Not only do we get some memorable encounters with Paige’s colleagues at the Daily Planet, we are also treated to some very honest and all to human interaction with Omen. I love the fact that Paige has an ally to turn to. Kindred spirits if you will, who compliment each other perfectly. You can just tell that these two women who have found themselves adrift more than once in the DC Universe truly care for one another. Paige’s newly established status quo alongside Omen really does set this version of the character apart from all the rest and i love it.
One element that really helps with the momentum of the issue and overall trajectory of the character is when the creative team take the time to streamline Paige’s newly established origin. So much has happened to the former Kara-L over the years both good and bad. Convoluted storylines, reimagining’s and retcons have left readers unsure of what’s official canon and what’s been left on the cutting room floor. Leah Williams definitive origin has come at the right time and will help welcome new readers for sure.
Powergirl #2 isn’t all character driven dialogue. The issue features some excellent action sequences featuring the villainous Amalak. Eduardo Pansica creates a plethora of flight, power and combat combinations with incredible effect. One set piece in particular looks incredible against a backdrop of thunder and lightening. This is extremely reminiscent of a Daredevil cover I simply adore.
Leah Williams is the perfect scribe for this series. The way the writer has streamlined the characters history and purpose moving forward is inspired. I’m honestly just as excited about following Paige and witnessing her character development as I am about Power Girl and her superpowered exploits. This is a character I’ve always wanted to get on board with but never found the opportunity. This series is that very opportunity, so be sure to jump on.