REVIEW: Superman #12
Superman #12, “Lex’s Truth”, answers many questions about Lex Luthor’s early involvement with Mr. Graf and Dr. Pharm. Acting as a conclusion to the year long arc, this is by no means a grand finale to these new characters and concepts. There’s a little bit of lead-up to the next big story, but the issue mainly focuses on the outcome and aftermath of The Lex Luthor Revenge Squad’s machinations.
The standard cover by Jamal Campbell gives us a glimpse of what to expect inside. Superman and Lex’s roles are reversed due to the Kryptonite gas flooding Metropolis. Lex dons his Superman themed battlesuit while Clark sciences away for solutions Campbell’s art is just too good not to enjoy.

We’re treated with a Dan Jurgens variant this issue. Along with Norm Rapmund and Alejandro Sanchez, they have Superman flying over head as the city reflects on the good he’s done. Jurgens has such a distinct way of drawing Superman that feels timeless and it’s always a pleasure to see.

Lee Bermejo’s variant depicts the more traditional situation we see Superman and Lex interact. Towering over Superman’s limp form, Lex holds a glowing piece of Kryptonite in triumph. The eerie green glow of the Kryptonite saturates the cover making for a very harrowing scene. It’s definitely a situation we’ve seen these characters in before, but thankfully not in this issue.

Other great variants include pieces by Alan Quah and Clayton Henry & Marcelo Maiolo.

Artists David Baldeón and Norm Rapmund, along with Colorist Rex Lokus, make up the interior art team for Superman #12. Their cartoonish style has a real sense of motion and expressiveness that makes every panel come to life. They manage to heighten the tension of the book while also making it look fun and light. Having the roles swap between Superman and Lex this issue not only allowed the return of Lex’s Superman armor, but Clark ditches the cape for a stylish SuperCorp lab coat which was a nice fashion change for this issue. There’s even a quick homage to Doomsday’s arrival in comics as Lobo makes a cameo towards the end.
Joshua Williamson, lettered by Ariana Maher, fills Superman #12 to the brim with story elements. Beginning with Lex’s early days in Metropolis before Superman’s arrival, we learn the extent of Lex’s relationship with the villainous brothers. Without skipping a beat, we move to the present where they deal with the physical threat of Graf and Pharm’s Revenge Squad and seamlessly segue into dealing with the Kryptonite gas crisis engulfing Metropolis.
All this and a lead into Joshua Williamson’s crossover arc with Action Comics that’s sure to be loads of fun. There’s lots of great moments in this issue that deals with almost everything that’s happened since issue #1 of the series, so this is definitely not one to miss. Although The Revenge Squad may get thwarted, this in no way feels like an end to the year long story.
(9.5/10) Although I find the art fun and adventurous, I can see it not being for everyone. The only other mild complaint is the lack of Marilyn Moonlight. I kind of figured she’d play into this more, but that just adds to the idea we haven’t reached the end of this story yet. Otherwise this is a near perfect issue that brilliantly answers questions by posing more.
I really liked the first half of this arc, especially Campbell’s art, but the story became safe and tread familiar after a promising start..
That’s fair, it’s not what I expected, but I did enjoy it!