REVIEW: My Adventures With Superman S2, Ep 7, “Olsen’s Eleven”
My Adventures With Superman S2, Ep 7, “Olsen’s Eleven” is another excellent addition to the series. This episode takes place prior to some of the events of the previous episode giving viewers more context on exactly how Lois, Jimmy and their team ended up face to face with Kara in space.
The episode opens up with Amanda Waller threatening and declaring war on aliens (including Superman) after the events of the previous episode. She of course, spins the narrative to claim that Superman attacked Metropolis instead of defending it and she is going to extraordinary measures to do exactly that.

We also see Jimmy and Lois’s plan come to fruition, that plan involves hiring a rather unexpected recruit and it was actually really interesting to see her background and personal life showcased here. It made her instantly more likeable for me and we really start to see her true self starting to show. With that said, they aren’t the only familiar faces from the first series that we see in this episode and that’s something I love about this series, absolutely no detail is forgotten or left unturned.
They way that this team showcase their plan is great fun! It’s a full scale operation which highlights each and every team members strengths and personalities. The different animation styles used in this moment is HILARIOUS and brilliant used. Of course that plan didn’t go exactly to plan – or so they think – as they come across several hurdles, some of which involve Amanda Waller, Task Force X and Lex Luthor’s robot army. Waller’s attention to detail is impeccable and this episode just showcases exactly why she holds the rank that she does.
Among their hurdles is Deathstroke, who is actually the least of their problems as they come across betrayal, which suddenly turns the plan into a race against time and all odds. As I said this episode is really a turning point for Livewire as really get to know her and her background. She comes across as a tough cookie and now we know something that she really stands for – love – and with that she gives a pretty incredible and inspiration speech.

There is a rather sweet moment between Jimmy and Lois as he sticks up for Kara, trying to show Lois and the viewers her viewpoint, and reasoning for doing what she did, he really tries to get across her despair, upbringing and entire situation. What I do love is that one of my favourite things about Superman (giving people second chances) has rubbed off onto Jimmy.
In terms of animation and scenes there are reminiscent of Star Wars, that is in terms of the robot designs, the spaceship cockpit and also the jump to light speed. That is not a bad thing at all, it actually brought together things that I love and it was handled perfectly. But… stealing the ship is only one half of the plan… now they have to make another one to save Superman and that may not be as easy as they think once they set eyes on Kara.