Superman Comic News From DC Panels At New York Comic Con


New York Comic Con was just last week and during the DC panels for ‘All In’ and ‘Absolute Universes’ panels there were some pretty cool Superman announcements and news confirmed!

Firstly, DC announced a ‘Superman: Lex Luthor Special’, which is set to see Lex Luthor make his debut in DC All In! The issue is written by Joshua Williamson, with art by Eddy Barrows and Eber Ferreira and sees the return of Lex Luthor after the events of the ‘House Of Brainiac’ story arc, which saw him lose his entire memory. As revealed by DC;

There’s a key piece of information in Lex’s past that could unlock an epic mystery plaguing Superman and the Justice League, but Lex may not want to remember. It’s up to the Man of Steel to decide if the info is worth sacrificing Lex’s newfound peace and the return of his fiercest enemy.

‘Superman: Lex Luthor Special’ is set for release on 29th January, here’s a look at the cover:

Then, writer Jason Aaron and artist Rafa Sandoval shared further plans of their take on the Man of Steel in the upcoming ‘Absolute Superman’ series. The first issue of the series is set for release soon and the creators behind it shared more insight into the highly anticipated series. Jason Aaron claims he has a connection to Superman as he too is from Kansas and during the panel he talked about how he has stripped down Superman to match this new and unknown universe.

He also spoke about how Superman’s supporting characters may too differ to their usual counterparts, which is very exciting. He also gushed about the innovative designs that Rafa Sandoval has brought to the new costume and spoke about Superman as a symbol of hope, and whether this version of Superman can be the same in a world where hope may be in short supply. ‘Absolute Superman #1’ is set for release on 6th November.

Mark Waid and Dan Mora also shared some exclusive art from the debut issue of ‘Justice League Unlimited‘ and it looks as glorious as I expected! Mora talked about continuing his work with Waid on the series, what characters he’s looking forward to drawing, what scenes he’s been most excited to draw so far, and how the comic draws inspiration from the Justice League Unlimited animated series.

‘Justice League Unlimited’ is on sale 27th November.

Dan Mora then joined writer Joshua Williamson to talk about the ongoing ‘Superman‘ series which is currently playing out the story arc titled ‘The Many Deaths of Doomsday’, which features Lois Lane as Superwoman. Williamson talked about how Superman would be adapting to the new state of the world, how their new take on Lois Lane as Superwoman is different from previous ones, and how Lois’s relationship with Superman helps to mold the story. They also talked about the kinds of inspirations and influences he draws from while bringing the All In version of Doomsday to life. 

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